This is a new interview with the Heavy Metal/Hard Rock band SPLINTERED THRONE from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the artist on his FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or came out just like that?

The band name had been around for about 4 years before I joined the band, and we had too much good momentum in the local scene to want to change it. So here it sits with us all these years later as we continue that momentum.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

I grew up in the SF Bay Area in the 80s and have always wanted to play the stuff I grew up with, as well as being a fan of Maiden and Priest and songs with a good hook. This was just the natural progression of where I have grown musically, using not just my influences, but the other kinds of bands I have been in over the years to include instrumental shred music, power pop, and just good ol’ hard rock a la Aerosmith and the like.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Some of us yes, some of us no. Brian and Kris I met when I joined the band in about 2010. Lisa has been a staple in the Portland music community for years, so I was very familiar with her background when she joined. And Matt, when he joined the band a few years ago, he been one of my best friends for years, it was only natural that he joined us when that spot became vacant.

4. Each band member's favourite band?

If I had to pick just one, Iron Maiden

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

I usually come up with some riffs and then a song title idea, or even just a fun working title, and then go from there. As I start getting closer to what the chorus idea will be, I usually get some melody ideas and things start to take shape. With the latest release, I gave songs up to that point to Lisa and she just did the rest. Every now and then, I will just get the muse and both the music and lyrics and everything just…happen. Immortal was like that, as well as Underdogs on the new CD. I think Immortal, words and music, took me about 20 minutes to get out into something workable. I wrote that the night Lemmy died.

6. Where was your last gig?

Seattle at the Funhouse, for the Wacken Metal Battle! We didn't go to the ultimate finals, but we really enjoyed it.

7. Where would you like to act?

We are shooting for some festivals and maybe a short US tour for next year. I know for me at least, I will play anywhere that wants a band to put on a good show and be appreciative of it. 8. Whom would you like to feature with? Anyone who puts on a good show and plays heavy melodic music with a hook, lives for metal, and isn’t a dick 9. Whom not? Anyone with an attitude. The world is full of enough jerkwads; we don’t need them in our happy space of a live show.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

The only time I had stage fright was when I had taken about ten years off and it was my first gig back. I was shaking in my shoes! After about two songs and good vibes from the crowd, it went away. For good!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Maiden, Metallica, Accept, NWOBHM, and anything from the bay area from about 81 – 86. I listen to a lot of newer bands as well and try to make sure what we write remains true to our influences yet still keeps something modern and relevant so it’s not dated.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

I had someone ask me for a handcuff key once.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Without our fans, we’re just 5 mopes in a studio playing for ourselves. I live for the live show, and the fans are a direct product of that. I appreciate the heck out of every single person that spends their time, or even 1 cent of their money on anything we do.

14. What do you think of our site?

The way you guys support such diverse music from all over the world is great, and the page is super easy to navigate.

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