Interviews: Shattered Crown

In this new occasion we have had the opportunity to interview the  Progressive Metalcore  band Shattered Crown from USA. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?    

Cartee: The band name came to be as a collaborative idea from all of our members, we wanted something with a positive meaning behind it. To us, Shattered Crown represents each and every one of us, we all have good days and bad days, sometimes we have to put ourselves back together to be the best versions of ourselves possible. We want to help people realize they aren't alone, and can always put their pieces back together.   

2.Why did you want to play this genre?    

This genre always resonated with us. There’s no particular reason other than a simple “We like it and we love playing it.” Metal is extremely diverse and it’s fun to utilize the fretboard the way we do, the lyrics flow well in this genre, and the drums are impactful. The crowd response is wonderful and the scene feels like a family. We couldn’t ask for anything more.   

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?     

Matty: I honestly didn’t know any of the members when I joined, but they were so tight in their sound and performance that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity, but overall their attitude and overall demeanor kept me interested. I get to hang out with some of the most kind and loving dudes while making music with them? Sign me up! 

Neale: Colton and I tried and tried to form a band for nearly two years before running into Alan which is when Shattered Crown officially started up.   

4. Each band member favourite band?   

Matty: Painted in Exile 

Alan: Gojira 

Cartee: After the Burial 

Neale: August Burns Red   

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?    

Matty: General life experiences pull a lot of inspiration in the feeling and emotion I like to emit from the guitar. I pull influences from anything and everything I listen to. Painted in Exile, Plini, The Contortionist, Veil of Maya, August Burns Red, Sithu Aye, etc. I just don’t ever have a set “sound” I land on, so I take influences from every source that I find appealing. 

Neale: Life experiences pull the most influences for me. 

Alan: Tim Lambesis was the first big influence, because As I Lay Dying was my first official metal show. 

Cartee: James Lowe and Mark Holcomb are my main influences.   

6. Where was your last gig?     

Iowa City, IA @ Gabes   

7. Where would you like to act?     

Anything overseas would be a dream come true!   

8. Whom would you like to feature with?    

Matty: I would have to say that my top five would be Painted in Exile, The Contortionist, Arsonists Get All the Girls, Born of Osiris, and Between the Buried and Me. I can check AGATG off the list, as we played with them recently! 

Cartee: Fit for a king, After the Burial, Architects, Veil of Maya, and Wage War would be awesome to play with. 

Neale: August Burns Red and Oceans Ate Alaska. 

Alan: I would love to play with Whitechapel, Gojira, Lamb of God, Slaughter to Prevail, and August Burns Red.   

9. Whom not?    

We are down to feature with nearly anyone under the sun. We would just refuse to feature with those who are disrespectful, otherwise we are pretty open.   

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?     

Matty: I have definitely suffered from stage fright and still have a little bit to this day. I usually keep my back turned to the crowd until the music hits, because then it gets me in the zone to the point where I’m comfortable enough to get up in everyone’s faces. Overall the key would be to play as often as possible to overcome that fear. You have to put yourself in the spotlight enough to begin getting used to the feeling. 

Cartee: I do have stage fright every time I play and I haven’t been able to completely get rid of it. Once we start playing and I see the crowd getting into it is when it tends to go away. 

Alan: I don’t have stage fright, but I used to. I overcame it by repeatedly playing in front of people. 

Neale: I used to have it when I played in Marching band when I was being judged all of the time, so it’s more enjoyable to play in front of fans playing the music I love.   

11. What bands have inspired you the most?     

Matty: Arsonists Get All the Girls had a huge influence on me starting up on playing guitar, so I have to give them most of the credit for being where I am and how I write today. 

Neale: August Burns Red. 

Alan: Gojira, Whitechapel, and Slaughter to Prevail. 

Colton: Architects, Fit For a King, and Wage War.   

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?    

Matty: So far I haven’t experienced anything all that weird from any of our fans. I’ve personally had someone request us send him a merch bundle for free since their birthday was recent, but I wouldn’t necessarily consider that weird.   

13. What do you think of your fans?    

We love and adore every single person who takes a moment out of their day to listen to our music. There’s millions upon millions of musicians out there, but at that very moment you chose us to listen to? That just blows our minds and we’re truly grateful that someone would appreciate our work like that.   

14. What do you think of our site?    

We think it’s great! It’s easily accessible and easy to maneuver. We always love anything that’s there to help promote artists of all forms. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for doing what you do!

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