Interviews: Salt River Shakedown

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Blues Rock/Rock band, Salt River Shakedown, from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you planned it or came out just like that?

Originally we went by a different name, Magic Trik, but over time felt that it no longer suited the kind of band we had become. As a band we went to a Rival Sons show a little while back and it inspired us to finally make the change to something that better represented what we’re trying to do. The name itself comes from the idea of a Salt River, which can mean a few different things. Its been used as a way of describing a corrupt politicians descent into hell. Also the phrase “rowing up a salt river” can mean “doing the impossible”, and we thought that was a good central aim to have.

2. Why did you want to play this genre when before you were more classic blues-rock?

Our sound has just naturally developed over time. We all have an extremely varied tastes in music and those influences have always come through in interesting ways. For example Shaun comes from a metal background, Jake is very much into hardcore punk and grunge, Alek like a lot soul musicians, etc. Initially this resulted in a very Led Zeppelin/Black Sabbath style, but in recent years we’ve progressed a lot. We’ve really learned how to really trim away the fat and write in a more accessible, straight forward way, while still staying true to our core which is still very much blues rock band. In short, we now sound much more like us, and less like our influences. Our recent change in vocalist Griff, as well as the introduction of our new keys player Clayton, has also had a massive impact on our sound.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

In sections, yes. Alek started the band with our previous vocalist while they were still in high school, and quickly recruited Shaun on bass. Then later Shaun met Jake at college, and in an emergency was asked to fill in drums on a gig, which ended up turning into a permanent position. Then later we hired Griff and Clayton through online ads.

4. Each band member favourite band?

Alek - Rival Sons

Shaun - Vulfpeck

Jake - Gorillaz

Clayton - Nirvana

Griff - The Spice Girls

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Most of the time our songs just come from jamming in the studio. Alek will usually bring in a riff, and the rest of us jam out over that until something cohesive comes together. 

6. Where was your last gig?

Up at Church in Dundee, way back just before lockdown started. 7. Great video guys.

7. Where would you like to act?

Sadly dont think actings on the cards for any of us any time soon (although Shaun is working towards his eventual goal of being a Maggie Smith stunt-double). Think for most of us being behind the camera is more our interest.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Maggie Smith

9. Any actors you don't wanna work with?

Jared Leto

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that when walking on stage to a gig?

The best thing to remember is that you’re going up there with friends, and that nobodys at that show hoping you’ll fail (those people are usually ejected from the venue pretty early), everybody is there to see you kick ass and if you feel like you’re not gonna do that you have your bandmates to help you. And at the end of the day, if things do go wrong, who cares? Its your show, learn from it and do it again anyway. Another good piece of advice for anybody with stage fright is to distract yourself. Gigs are hectic events, and theres are plenty other things to focus on. Shaun finds that just focusing on setting up helps. By the time he’s set up and tuned he’s already on stage and as the first song starts he’s then able to just go with it.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Led Zeppelin, Rival Sons and Free have always been big inspirations for us, both musically and as something to bond over.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

There was a gig at the garage in glasgow a few years back where a girl in the crowd tried very aggressively to get Shaun to sign an autograph while he was still playing bass on stage during a song. Not the weirdest thing to ask for, but the timing was pretty bizarre. Was very funny to watch happen. Or there was also the time that a guy at a gig in Aberdeen loved Aleks guitar playing so much that he picked Alek up and started walking away with him. Obviously he was joking, but actual kidnap of a band-member is definitely high on the list of weird things fans have wanted from us.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Our fans are some sexy beasts who make every show a memorable one. We absolutely love talking to folks that come to our gigs, easily one of the best things about being in a band.

14. What do you think of our website?

We are big fans of the site. Bands need all the help they can get, especially at the moment, and sites like Breathing the Core do so much to help. Cheers for what you do!

15.Something to add?

Sell yourselve to people who don't know you We are Salt River Shakedown. We make big, loud, groovy, bluesy rock music. We love to put on an in-your-face energetic live show and we hope to see you down the front very soon. All the best, Jay Reaction

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