Interviews: The Fixer

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Metal band, The Fixer from Canada. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or come out just like that?

Vic Sin: It was actually a suggestion from the first singer we were going to work with many years ago. We always thought it matched the tone of the songs and it has stuck with us ever since.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Melladonna: It's what I've always listened to and enjoyed, it just comes naturally. We also kind of slip and slide in and around various genres, so I never feel like there is anything we can’t do.

Vic Sin: I tend to think of The Fixer as having certain elements in our music rather than being defined by a specific genre. If we can consider whatever we are creating as dark, sexy and/or loud, it can fit. I’ve always been compelled to write music that fits into these descriptors and it is what keeps me at peace internally. 

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Ryan Osbourne: 3 of us (Dr. Wiggins, Vic, and myself) were previously in a band together; and have been looking for excuses to play together since. I had never met Melladonna prior to showing up for my first rehearsal

Vic Sin: Wiggins, Osbourne and I have that long history, as Ryan said. Even though time has passed since we had that project, the three of us have always managed to keep playing off and on in various projects or one-offs over the years. The first incarnation of The Fixer actually started from the 3 of us doing a Rob Zombie tribute. Then Wiggins brought Melladonna to the mix when we were looking for singers.

Melladonna: I had known of Wiggins through other performances, and he asked me to audition for the band, where I met Vic and fell in love.

4. Each band member's favourite band?

Vic Sin: Picking one is really tough. The Haxans and Paradise Lost are what come to mind when I start getting down to bands that I can’t live without. But, a life without Woods of Ypres, Deftones or Lacuna Coil isn’t something I’d like to imagine.

Wiggins: 4-way tie between AFI, Genitorturers, White Zombie and Lady Gaga.

Ryan Osbourne: I can't pick one, so let's go with Clutch, Black Sabbath, and Iron Maiden

Vic Sin: How often are musicians able to pick just one?

Melladonna: It depends on my mood, and Andrew Lloyd Webber isn’t a band.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Ryan Osbourne: Darkness. Alcohol. Loud guitars.

Vic Sin: What Ryan said. *Laughs*

Melladonna: Boys.

6. Where was your last gig?

Ryan Osbourne: it was at a local bar, and then we switched back into recording mode. So the next one might be a little while.

7. Where would you like to act?

Ryan Osbourne: I try to act like a normal human every day. I don't think it's working.

Vic Sin: It isn’t, Ryan. That’s why we love you and it is also why you fit so well in The Fixer.

Melladonna: I want to play a big stage so we can fit more dancers on it.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Ryan Osbourne: The Cure, Deftones, Led Zeppelin

Melladonna: In this moment, or within temptation.

Vic Sin: Naturally, any of my favourite bands that I mentioned. But, in addition to that, In This Moment, New Years Day, Infected Rain, Jinjer, Theatres Des Vampires, Within Temptation and Asrai are all bands I think we might pair well with that I personally listen to. Any other artists passionate about making some form of loud or dark music are good for me at the end of the day, though.

Wiggins: The Genitorturers. They put on such a wild fucking show! Or opening for AFI would be a dream come true.

9. Whom not?

Ryan Osbourne: Kid Rock seems like a loser….dude, you ain’t a kid anymore.

Vic Sin: There are some that wouldn’t make sense. But, I have always personally enjoyed mixed bag shows. So, bands with bigots would be my answer.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Ryan Osbourne: My best protection from stage fright is to practise my ass off. Then practise even more. Know the songs inside and out, backwards and forwards. Then, when I get nervous, I just trust the effort and time I've put into it already.

Wiggins: I think getting nervous before any show is pretty normal for any musician. I’ve been playing for years and years and I always get a little freaked out before every set. But as soon as I get up there and see the crowd cheering, it all starts to dissipate. Being confident in what you’re doing is a huge factor. 

Melladonna: Nope!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Vic Sin: This list would be another long one if I started to break it down. Whether it is by an electronic music producer or a metal band, a good song is just inspiring for me. But, some key elements do have a direct influence. 3 Teeth, Rabbit Junk and NIN are pretty big for the use of electronics. I feel like it is hard to not mention Stolen Babies’ influence on some of our music, as I think it is quite apparent in tracks like Murder Cat. As a guitarist, that gets really hard to narrow down. Deftones, Korn and Rammstein I’d say are the most apparent, though. 

Melladonna: Evanescence brought me here.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Vic Sin: Can I take the fifth?

Wiggins: Before The Fixer, Ryan, Vic and I were in a shock rock band and we used to pull some weird shit on stage. At one show we were throwing small water balloons full of spit and Vic’s pubes into the crowd. After a show a fan had asked if she could have one of the balloons and wanted me to sign it.

Ryan Osbourne: Honestly, even just having fans seems weird. Like, I'm just grateful to even have people interested in something I'm doing, it blows me away.

Melladonna: I both look forward to, and am frightened by one day having an answer to this question.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Wiggins: Our fans are amazing and they’re a huge motivation to make each show better than the last.

Vic Sin: I’ve always thought of music fans, in general, as one of the best collections people. They are the driving force of what we do and the motivation to put our heart and soul into the songs we create. If someone is connecting to what we do on stage or in a recording, by default, I know I could sit down to have a cider with them with common ground. I think that is one of the most amazing things about music and it elevates even further when it is a connection over something that we have created.

Ryan Osbourne: Obviously, they have great taste in music. But I think they need to be louder!

14. What do you think of our site?

Vic Sin: We love it! Any site willing to give a bunch of weirdos in a small isolated Canadian city, like us, is good in my books.

Ryan Osbourne: I am thankful that you took an interest in us, and took the time to reach out to us.

15. Something to add?

Ryan Osbourne: Aside from the obvious "follow us on social media" crap ( if you're wondering), I just want to say thank you to our fans and supporters.

Vic Sin: Thank you to everyone that has supported us. We are endlessly grateful for anyone who has shared what we do, bought a tee or listens to our music. It helps make this miserable existence less bleak.

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