Interviews: Escape Arcadia

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore/Hardcore band Escape Arcadia, from UK. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?   

Oliver: We came up with the name after looking for obscure words and Arcadia is another word for Utopia, relating it to Heaven in Greek.   

Tim: We were short on ideas...    

2. Why did you want to play this genre?   

Luke: We had a collective and common interest in Metalcore.   

Oliver: But as time progressed we found ourselves writing a lot of Hardcore as well.   

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?   

Oliver: I responded to an advert posted by Clayton, turns out Luke and Clayton were in the same college on the same course but in a different group.   

Clayton: I asked Tim to join the band a bit down the road because I knew him from high school.  

Tim: It was at a barbecue, good times.   

4. Each band member favourite bands?  

Oliver: Beartooth, Hacktivist, Enter Shikari, Northlane and Deftones.  

Clayton: I really can't answer it because I hate that question but it would be something along the lines of Tool, Ben Howard and London Grammar.  

Luke: Heart of a Coward, Hacktivist and Parkway Drive.  

Tim: Beartooth, Periphery and Fightstar.  There are too many to list.   

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?   

Clayton: It tends to just be me sat at home when i'm bored and playing until something sounds cool, then bringing it to the boys and we write the songs from there.  

Tim: I guess any inspirations would be my high school music teacher and drum teacher that pushed me to improve and play to reach a goal not just as a pastime.  

Luke: I just tend to listen to a wide variety of bands and then i find something cool, whack it on dead loud in the band room for the lads to take inspiration from it.  

Oliver: I use inspiration from situations and real life problems to write the lyrics for our songs.   

6. Where was your last gig?   

Oliver: Our last gig was in Liverpool where we supported bands such as Allusondrugs and Shikari Sound System (Enter Shikari).  

Clayton: Which I was in hospital for and was getting messages every couple of minutes saying oh you'll be fine just bring the hospital bed.   

7. Where would you like to act?   

Oliver: I've always wanted to do a crazy show in Wembley Stadium after selling it out, those shows look so sick.  

Clayton: A sick philharmonic hall or somewhere mental.  

Luke & Tim: Download!!!    

8. Whom would you like to feature with?   

We all want to feature with Hacktivist because we feel we could write something dirty, heavy and groovy.  

Oliver: Dave Grohl is one of my all time favourite musicians, he's just the fucking coolest.  

Luke: Rou Reynolds because he's fucking sick.  

Clayton: Tosin Abasi cos he can just play my parts at the same time as his.  

Tim: Jason Butler, in full Letlive beast mode.   

9. Whom not?   

Tim: Lars Ulrich.  

Clayton: Oliver Evans from Escape Arcadia.  

Oliver: Clayton Phoenix, he's a dick.  

Luke: All Time Low, judge me.   

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?   

Tim: Probably at one time but nothing I can remember. Jerking off beforehand should help beginners... not really you perverts.   

Clayton: At our EP launch gig my amp was cutting out in soundcheck and we couldn't fix it in time, so that made my ass go a little bit but it was sound.  

Luke: Not really but for beginners a few pints before playing wouldn't hurt.  

Oliver: Playing in front of a big crowd can be nerve-racking but once you get into it you forget about your nerves. I would say whiskey helps but all I can really drink before a gig is water.   

11. What bands have inspired you the most?   

Parkway Drive, Periphery, Northlane, Beartooth, Havktivist and Arcane Roots and there's plenty more to list.  

Oliver: Beartooth and Enter Shikari, Rou inspired the dirty inhales I do yo.  

Tim: My Chemical Romance made me want to be in a band. *ninja kick* (He really did kick)  

Clayton: Ben Howard and Tool because I like what they have going on.  

Luke: There is lots of bands but there was a period of time of about 6 months where I only listened to Parkway Drive, and that was a big influence for me.   

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?   

Luke: I pretty much wear a hat every single day and at every gig someone always wants to steal my hat, that shit is annoying.  

Tim: I get asked who we are :)   

Clayton: I got asked for a lift home (It was my girlfriend) I said walk!  

Oliver: I've been asked to get naked a few times, who knows, I might give in one day.  

13. What do you think of your fans?   

Tim: What fans?   

Luke: But jokes aside seeing people enjoy our music is a great feeling and we appreciate all the support we get.   

14. What do you think of our site?   

Oliver: Honestly I think it's a great way of finding new sick bands and the support you guys give to both small and large bands is great to see. Keep up the good work guys.  

Luke: You guys are legitness.  

15. Something to add?  

Be sure to check us out on 

Facebook at: You can get in contact with us at:  

We just dropped our latest track 'Pipebomb' which you can hear at: 

You can also stream 'Pipebomb' and get a FREE DOWNLOAD at:  

Check out our Debut EP 'Cut The Rope' at:  

For all the Marvel fans you can see Tim go full Deadpool in his 'X Gon Give It To Ya' Drum Cover on YouTube:  Nice one! x

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