Interviews: Acolytes

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the  Hardcore band Acolytes from UK. Check out the interview and this band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

We were torn between a few names, Ave Maria was gonna be the keeper, but we decided on Acolytes in the end, we all liked the idea so stuck with it.

2.Why did you want to play this genre?

We have started writing music taking influence from the post-hardcore route as this is a genre of music we are all heavily into. The aim of Acolytes is to explore a range of different sub genres, we are all from different backgrounds, so we just play the music we play.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

The core of the band all knew each other from attending University in Leeds. The others we met while dogging in Doncaster.

4. Each band member favourite band?

Brad - Parkway Drive
Tim - Deftones
Cris - Fleetwood Mac
Joe - The Chats

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Our writing process at this moment in time is a collaboration of ideas from all members. We get a load of riffs together and jam out at the practice space like most bands, then we layer loads of weird stuff over the top until we are happy.

6. Where was your last gig?

We are fresh to the scene and have our debut gig 28.07 supporting the punk legends Anti-Nowhere league - so if you are in the UK we suggest you come and check out our live show - you can also get more info on our Instagram - @acolytes_band or on Facebook - @AcolytesUK

7. Where would you like to act?

Act? or play a show - being fresh to the scene we want to play as many shows as possible - really want to hit Europe - we hear the scene is great!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Would love to get onboard with Counterparts, Deftones and Heart of a coward - all at the same time.

9. Whom not?

I think we all agree we would play with anybody

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

None of us so far! Be confident, have fun and own it. It’s natural to get butterflies, it means you care about what your doing. Also sweet Mary Jane can be of help.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Architects, Deftones, Holding onto hope, Hands, Cancer Bats

12. What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

An XXL Balaclava - mean how fat is ya head?

13. What do you think of your fans?

We love them all

14. What do you think of our site?

Decent, it’s a good thing you’re doing. Promoting the underground scene is important in this day in age when there is so much music out there.

15. Something add?

Get involved with our music - if you have a voice contact us - Acolytes have a back catalogue of tracks that need vocalists to lay their ideas and thoughts over.

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