Interviews: Stays In Vegas

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the  Alternative Rock  band Stays In Vegas from USA. Check out the interview and this band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

Actually the name Stays In Vegas was just a place holder name till we came up with something better. We were trying to think of different names and nothing was working, then one night watching The Hangover movie I said “how about Stays In Vegas for now…like what happens in vegas stays in vegas?” And then it kinda stuck. Everyone liked it. And at the time no one else had the name except for a wedding band, so we kept it.

2. Why did you want to play this genre? 

Our band has kind of bounced around genres, nothing really fits us.

We have songs that are somewhat metal, hard rock, some that are alternative, then we have some punk and grunge songs. Even a few that are acoustic ballads. We like all kinds of music and influences, and think music should be expressive and not “locked” into a set genre. Play what feels right.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Actually no, we all met up through online searches and requests. Stays In Vegas has had quite a few band member changes in the 6-7 years as a band, and we put out requests for anyone wanting to audition. And that's how we met. Blake came on 3 years ago and was the first to audition for bass, Glen was 2 years ago now and first to audition for drums and we all clicked immediately music wise and personality wise. We all fit perfectly as Stays In Vegas, and now we are brothers.

4. Each band member favorite band?

For the most part, or at least 2/3 band members the favorite band is Nirvana. That's been the biggest influence musically, and you can hear it some in our music, that and Green Day.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

The songs come from various inspiration. Some of our songs, musically anyway, have come from rehearsal jam sessions. One of us will start working on a riff or a drum part and then the others follow suit…and then we have a song. Our new songs Lower I Go and Your Fears came from just that. Other songs come from Chris bringing songs to the band and we hash out the rest. The lyrics come from all sorts of inspiration and places, they may be from specific person or event, either personal or from outside the band, or they may be about absolutely nothing at all haha.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our most recent gig was our solo release show at Vinos in Little Rock, AR. Vinos is a local, legendary Brew Pub that has hosted numerous bands over the years. The show was with our friends Hell Camino and Red Devil Lies with local DJ/Comedian Angry Patrick from 100.3 The Edge.

7. Where would you like to perform?

Honestly, would love to play anywhere. But mainly some huge festivals like SXSW, Ozzfest, Rocklahoma, Rockfest…these would be awesome.

8. Whom would you like to perform with?

This list is very long haha, but I think the top band we would love to tour or play with would be Foo Fighters! Those guys seem so real, about the music and like they are on vacation every show! It would rock.

9. Whom not?

There isn’t anyone on this list yet. We would play with any band as long as they are cool and give back to the fans. If they come off as egocentric and above everyone, then we might rethink future shows. But that hasn't happened yet.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

There have been times I have (Christopher) back in the early days, but it was more before we got on stage. My mind would race thinking “will I remember the songs, what are the lyrics, crap, whats the setlist…” But once I put my guitar on and hit the first chord, the fear was gone. I learned later that if butterflies hit I would go outside and stretch, shake out all the bugs, do some vocal exercises then go back in and talk to fans and then the stage fright goes away. That's my advice.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Vocally and lyrically…my inspirations have been Chris Cornell, Sting, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Lane Staley. Odd mix, I know. But they all have their own voice and sound, and lyrically diverse. Their songs have oddities that are familiar…if that makes no sense?? ha

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Honestly, haven’t had any weird requests from fans. They've all been so cool. Most ask for pics, autographs, some have asked for a kiss or to have a beer with them. Nothing out of the ordinary, and we all oblige. We are always down in the front row with them watching the other bands that I think they just go with the flow and realize we are fans too.

13. What do you think of your fans?

They are amazing, wonderful and rock far more than we do! They are the engine that keeps us moving and growing. We don't love them, we adore them!

14. What do you think of our site?

Its great that the site supports the music and bands that are out ther striving to make a difference and to bring new music into the world. But also supporting rock and metal and keeping that going strong!!!!

15. Something to add?

Just check out our music and website Come check us out live as well as all your local bands! Supporting live music is the key to keeping your bands motivated to make new music. If we don't keep supporting them, then the music will eventually die. And bands….go support fellow bands. On your off days gigging, go support brother bands shows. If you open for a touring band, stays after your set and support them. Its sad that we beg fans to come to shows, but we cant get bands to stay and support the other
bands. We truly our a musically family, somewhat dysfunctional, but family. We have to support each other.

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