Track By Tracks: MisophoniA - El Silencio Será Eterno (2022)

1. El Silencio Serà Eterno:

This song was originally conceived way back in April 2021 or thereabouts. The main lyrical inspiration came from an online source, the quote below was attached to an amazing image of what looked to be an old painting of Death standing over a despairing pianist, the text in Spanish but with the English translation underneath.

"Elige muy bien las melodías que te acompañarán en vida, porque una vez muerto, el silencio será eterno"

'Choose well the melodies that accompany you through life, because in death the silence will be eternal'

The quote resonated with the band and Neil our lead guitarist came up with the main song and the flamenco-style guitar intro. The lyrical aspect and flow of delivery were very natural, there was no going back and forth changing things or forcing words to fit. The opening line of 'Hearing less and less and less, this silence is a welcome change' sets up the mood that followed beautifully. The song is about fearing eternal silence, the fear that you will die having left no legacy or memory. If you leave behind a song or a melody then your legacy shall live forever. Music stands the test of time. If it is loved and cherished then it will always be preserved in the memory of those that hear it and feel it.

2. Sorrows of yesterday part 1:

This is actually an extended intro piece that serves as the first act of a larger body of work. The original piano piece was composed by Justin our rhythm guitarist and was released as a demo and in its original form in 2021. Justin let us hear the piece and we were blown away by its emotional punch and heavy air of despair. The version included in this single release however is on a different level as it has had the super-producer treatment courtesy of Enzo Satera the creative lead of Comharra our video producer. He also fell in love with the piece and reworked the initial piano piece and wrote the additional orchestration and made the song spectacular. Enzo was also the director, costume designer, and prop maker of the singles accompanying video as well as the singles art director. In short Misophonia's secret sixth member.

Jay Misophonia vocalist has this to say on the track:

cliché as it sounds I had a major emotional breakdown when I was younger and suffer from bouts of heavy depression. I fell in love with the piece. Sorrows part 1 is despair and sorrow, loss and grief or whatever emotion you feel when you hear it. Sorrows part 2 is the next single and is the cathartic counterpart of part 1. It is the release and freedom from the vulture of depression.

3. Silencio... RoddyMacAudio Raw Desk Mix:

This is the untreated raw desk mix of the single recorded and engineered by RoddyMacAudio. We included this as it captured the rawness and natural vibe of the recording. We went old school with the recording process and we recorded as a live band. We added a few overdubs but what you hear in this mix is 90% of what you would hear live. Bands today seem to rely way too much on studio trickery, there are no drum triggers, no midi drum overlays, no digital guitar amp profilers or modelers here in this mix what you hear guitar-wise is a Vox Ac30 2x12 combo and a Peavy 5150 head into a 2x12 Orange cab. You have a Bass DI and EQ and a huge natural drum sound captured from both spectacular mic placement and hard-hitting performance.

4. Silencio - Classical arrangement:

This was composed by Neil and was written as a potential underlay for the credits at the end of the video. A stunning little rendition of Silencio.
Simple yet effective and a very worthy B side.

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