Interviews: Rogue Awakening

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Hard Rock/Alternative Rock band, Rogue Awakening from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

We’re not sure exactly! We agreed on Rogue to be part of the name quite early on as we like the idea of being a bit rebellious. The awakening I guess was a bit of reference to this being a whole new creative project for all of us. Kimberley didn’t like it at first as she thought it had too close a link to Star Wars, but everyone likes Star Wars so can’t be a bad thing!

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We’ve always loved the hard/alt-rock genre. There’s something very powerful and tribal about the heavy chugging guitar riffs and driving drums and when you contrast that with Kimberley’s soaring, soft vocals it just sounds awesome!

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

No, not really! Kimberley and Tom formed the band in a very non rock’n’roll way when they ended up chatting in a kid's playground (to clarify they were there with their children not just hanging out). Kimberley was mates with Kyle’s wife and asked if he fancied dusting off the drum kit. Then we had to venture into the murky depths of the internet where we eventually found our lead guitarist Olly. We were still searching for a bassist when Olly’s mate Nick became available and our dysfunctional band family was complete.

4. Each band member's favourite band?

So many it’s hard to choose, but if you’re forcing us….

Tom - Foo Fighters

Nick - Fit for an Autopsy

Olly - Bullet For My Valentine

Kimberley - Fleetwood Mac

Kyle - S Club 7 (which is what happens when you don’t send us your answers to the interview questions in time).

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

It can be all sorts of things! We all have a part in the songwriting process and that probably shows in how our songs are all quite different depending on who came up with the riff, melody, or lyrics. Generally, we are inspired by life events and people around us; some of us are a little older so have a fair bit of life experience! 

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last gig was at the Music in the City Festival in Southampton, a real mix of genres and bands.

7. Where would you like to act?

We’d love to play the Concorde 2 in Brighton. We’ve seen loads of great bands there and it’s a fantastic venue. But the dream is to play Download, that would be mind-blowing!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

There are so many great bands and artists out there so the list is very long! We’d love to feature bands that have a similar sound to us like Vukovi, Kobra and the Lotus, Icon for Hire, Halestorm, Red Hook, and Don Broco. We also love what the Nova Twins are doing, so much energy and talent!

9. Whom not?

No one really! It’s cool that genres are much more blurred these days. It’s awesome going to a festival and being blown away by a band or artist that you didn’t think you’d like. I remember seeing Dolly Parton at Glastonbury years ago and she was unbelievable!

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Yes definitely! Stage fright is all part of performing really. We normally try and focus on visualizing what a fun gig it will be rather than worrying about what could go wrong. Then take a few deep breaths and go for it!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Again there are so many! We have very different musical tastes so anything from Megadeath, Iron Maiden, and Cannibal Corpse to Fleetwood Mac, Alter Bridge, and Muse!

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

We haven’t had that many weird fan requests yet! Although at a gig we played at the Pipeline in Brighton we had a young lady asking all of us if we were the drummer (except Kyle our actual drummer who had wandered off). When we said no she looked very disappointed and walked off!

13. What do you think of your fans?

We love our fans! It’s the best thing to write music and take it from nothing and build it into a song. But the feeling when someone else hears our song on the radio or at a gig and is into it is just the best.

14. What do you think of our site?

Your site is great! It’s a tough time for the music industry with so many venues having closed so it’s great to see Breathing The Core giving artists a voice and some depth. We are very grateful!

15. Something to add?

Please check out our new single Overshadowed available to stream and watch everywhere now. We hope you love it!

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