Behind The Tracks: exPorter - Retrograde (Single) (2023)

Alec: Retrograde is one of Destin’s songs so I'll let him dive into the secrets behind it. But as far as how it came together it pretty much followed the same pattern as most of our songs. Usually, we bring songs we had written independently and then bring them to each other to figure out where they should go. So he taught me the chords to start and then knew we needed a riff to hook the listener, and most of my riffs come from the same little box that just moved around. The melody for the riff came fairly quick between the both of us and it just fit really well. 

The drums we always just leave up to Henry. Maybe we send him a few songs or small ideas but neither Destin nor I know what we are doing, so Henry is the glue that puts it all together.

Destin: Basically, "Retrograde” is about when you start to catch yourself thinking about someone you thought you got over; you find them slipping into your dreams, you’re remembering all the positive aspects about them, and you start to trick yourself into thinking “oh wow my life is really terrible without this person”.  You end up fighting yourself, fighting all the growth it’s taken to get over that person, and so this song is about losing out to that emotional side of yourself.

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