Interviews: Dreamyth

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Melodic Powe Metal band, Dreamyth from Spain. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

ADRIÁN: Well, the truth is we were looking for a band name somehow related to the oneiric world, to dreams, because we wanted to focus on that not only in our lyrics. For so long we tried to mix different words (we love Dreamland but it wasn't available), and one day we did it! We crafted the name by combining the words “Dream” and “Myth” and everybody loves it, not only the name itself but also the meaning.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

ADRIÁN: Because we love this genre, all of us grew up with Avantasia, Stratovarius, Helloween, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden... they have been the soundtrack of our lives, and we’re not trying to do something experimental or something completely new like on purpose, we just play the music we love and this album is the result. You say power metal? Power metal it is. Melodic? Whatever. We wouldn’t like to be labeled only in one genre, we love music and we nurture from many different styles, and also we believe that our music is easy to listen to even coming from other genres.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

ADRIÁN: Yes, of course! Andrea Carrero (female singer) and I (guitarist/songwriter) know each other better than anyone else, we’re brothers, and David Macarrilla (drummer) is our cousin, we’ve known each other our whole lives. Then, I met Paolo through a musicians' website for Crusade of Bard's guitarist audition back in 2016, and then we met Dani G playing as openers for his band Last Days of Eden. This was the beginning of a long story between us because since then, I recorded 3 albums at Dani G’s Dynamita Studios and also learned a lot from Dani's sound assistant in the studio.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

ADRIÁN: That’s a tough choice, just one band among the incredible amount of amazing bands coming over our lives… let’s say Powerwolf for Andrea, Saratoga for David, and Avantasia for Adrián.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

ADRIÁN: Mostly life experiences, I mean, some of them are clearly inspired by people, of course, like “Fairytale” and “Firelove”, but they are also part of these experiences. What I want to share is my own vision of life with my own story. To express my feelings, anger, love, happiness,... even my own dreams. At some point, I think many people might share these feelings or might experience the same things, and myths are the way I choose to write that to reach more people, and to send a message easy to understand for everyone. According to Joseph Campbell (mythology expert), myths and dreams come from the same place and often serve the same purpose. They stem from deep, subconscious realizations that can only express themselves symbolically.

6. Where was your last gig?

ADRIÁN: As a band, we haven't played together yet. Personally, my last gig was with Crusade of Bards in Germany back in 2021.

7. Where would you like to act?

ADRIÁN: Of course at Wacken! We think it’s the goal of almost every metal band in the world, a dream come true. But also we would like to play in 70000 Tons, Sabaton Open Air, Hellfest, Leyendas del Rock, Budokan,… we would like to conquer the whole world with our music and we’d do our best, you’ll see a lot of Dreamyth in the future. But step by step.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

ADRIÁN: Tobias Sammet, without a doubt, it would be a dream come true. He is my biggest inspiration and it would be a pleasure to work with him. You can see some references to Edguy and Avantasia on our album.

9. Whom not?

ADRIÁN: We are open to all kinds of collaborations on our songs, even from other musical styles. I think limiting our possibilities is not good in music.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

ADRIÁN: Yes, I suffered from stage fright! I played for the first time in front of my classmates when I was 14 and it was a nightmare because I was too nervous and I messed everything up. Then, at 16, we created a “school band” for a Christmas Song Contest and I played in a theater full of people, or at least that's what I was told because I’d only seen my guitar as if the rest of the world didn’t even exist (laugh). By the way, Andrea also sang in the choir section and we won the contest! Maybe the first piece of advice is that you have to do it, even with fear, do it. Don’t worry, we all make mistakes, don’t overthink it. You’re playing for yourself, you’re the first listener, so enjoy it. I truly believe that if you’re willing to do it, it’s because all the effort is worth it, you’ll start to enjoy playing on stage sooner or later, and never give up.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

ADRIÁN: As I mentioned before, Tobias Sammet is one of my all-time greatest inspirations, his albums with Edguy and Avantasia are sacred. He’s one of those artists out of time, no matter what happens I’ll always come back to his masterpieces and discover new things. He's amazing. Firewind is also another band that I had the pleasure to meet personally many times, they are not only exceptional musicians but also great people. Another great influence for us is Amaranth, we love their songs and their high-level production, the duality between the different voices and the mix with the synths sounds are from another dimension.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

ADRIÁN: Maybe the weirdest thing so far is playing on stage with his private stuff, like underwear, which I actually did, I played with a bra hanging on my guitar’s neck.

13. What do you think of your fans?

ADRIÁN: Personally I think we have the best fans in the world. The album was released a few weeks ago and you can’t imagine the incredible amount of positive feedback we’ve received about it, even in the most unexpected places. I have to set aside a moment each day to reply to all the messages, we’re thrilled. And also a bit surprised, we didn't think we would have this huge welcome for our first album ever. Thank you very much!

14. What do you think of our site?

ADRIÁN: Firstly, thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our band and a bit of our personal thoughts, you're doing a fantastic job. I had read some interviews on Breathing the Core before and the quality and professionalism are undoubted, the community needs more hard-working people like you. You’re an incredible support for the music scene.

15. Something to add?

ADRIÁN: Well, thanks again for the interview, we would be happy to share more news with you on our social media so don’t hesitate, to follow us! We are working 24/7 to do our best and offer you the music we love. This is just the beginning, stay tuned for more. Welcome to Dreamyth!

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