Band Biographies: Crazy Mad Ride

Formed in North Georgia, Crazy Mad Ride is rooted with an original blend of thrash, blues, and a vast variety of both metal and rock 'n' roll influences. Constantly listening to the big thrash bands like Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer, Exodus, and so on, Brandon Barker finally decided in 2018 that he was going to start a thrash band of his own. He wasted no time recording demos of songs he had written to try and attract other musicians to play with. Needing a fitting name, Crazy Mad Ride came about during a brainstorming session.

While perfecting his craft and trying out many musicians, Barker finally founded the perfect group in 2021. In early 2021 he brought on board the thunderous drummer Dewayne Bjorn who learned all the songs after only a few practice sessions. After coming in and showing off his shred skills, there was no doubt amongst the band that Doc Lopez was a perfect fit on guitar. Since then, Crazy Mad Ride has been perfecting its sound and delivering face-melting performances all over Georgia and the rest of the East Coast! They strive to be the next best thing in the modern age while keeping the sounds and styles of the 80s alive.

Crazy Mad Ride is:

Brandon Barker – Vocals/Guitar 
Doc Lopez – Guitar/Backing Vocals 
Dewayne Bjorn – Drums

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