Band Biographies: Polymerase

Polymerase started in 2014 in Quezon City, Philippines with brothers Vincent and VN but because of Life, the band has been set aside. They made a couple of recordings but were eaten into the abyss when the computer with the saved files got broken. It was only in 2020 during the pandemic when VN reminded Vincent about their long-forgotten band project, so the latter immediately went riffing and made a new recording, posted it on Facebook to draw out the attention of any drummer friend who has free time. Then, Francis, a former drummer bandmate of Vincent messaged and tried putting beats for Polymerase. After exchanging emails and ideas, Unostentatious happened. The sound ranges from the genres of psychedelic-doom, sludge, space rock, stoner metal, and everything in between.

In 2021, Francis left the group to have a greener Pasteur in the United Kingdom. VN was not able to commit and proceed with the vocal duties, so Vincent then took the lead and become the band’s vox. The band was able to recruit Ziggy Cerda to play the drums and Bobby Legaspi to produce Dreams and Realities 1 and 2. Ziggy was able to record drums on tracks: Space Carousel, The Sage, and Blade of the Demon God. Ziggy was not able to extend his recording capabilities because of a previous duty so the drums on Evil Hand were recorded by Fabio Alessandrini. Bass was recorded by Bobby Legaspi. On Dreams and Realities 2, Fabio recorded the Drums on Dreams and Realities, and Children of Terra. Krzysztof Klingbein was able to record Riding the Crystals of Heaven and James from Berklee College of Music, was able to record Zodiac Queen.

As the band move forward, Bobby was not able to commit to live performances because of other commitments. He then was covered by Allan Paul Galiga to Play Live and is now the current bassist of the band. Since the band needs a Drummer again, Eugene Castro was able to give his hands to play the drum parts.

The process took a year to be released on Feb 03, 2023, by Electric Talon Records in the United States. The album was launched in Mow’s bar in Quezon City last April 16, 2023. It will also be launched in Europe on June 20, 2023.

The current lineup for the band is:

Vincent Jose- Vocals, Guitar
Allan Paul Galiga- Bass
Eugene Castro- Drums

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