Behind The Scenes: May We Meet Again - Wallflower (Official Video)

We believe “Wallflower” is intricate, yet subtle, and has a lot of meaning behind it. This track is for anyone who feels like they’re just constantly experiencing loss and is just trying to get by day to day. With chuggy bass and guitar riffs, hard hitting drums, and diversity in the vocals, this song delivers everything a modern metalcore fan, or even an og metalcore fan, could love! The video we just released was shot as a performance visualizer. We have every intention to release a full-on music video for this song in the future that will encapsulate the entire story that the song tells. For us, that’s what a true “music video” is, a video that portrays the story of the song. Anything less is simply a “visualizer”, something cool to look at. Thanks to a friend of ours, Ian Urquhart, this video came out amazing. Between great shots, great editing and the amazing lighting effects, he really captured the emotions in the song with just a performance! We appreciate all the feedback we have been getting from everyone and we have full confidence that later in our career, “Wallflower” will be given a very vivid video that hits home for many viewers!

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