Behind The Tracks: Psychotic Apes - The Shadow Inside (Live Single) (2023)

Recently the band released their first live single, “The Shadow Inside (live)”. Recorded at Feeling Studio (Natal-RN), the track shows the band live, performing one of their most acclaimed songs, with the new lineup. Originally released on their debut album, this was the first song written by guitarist Ramiro Barros for Psychotic Apes. "I was jamming with my old friend and ex-Dyluvian partner, Gustavo 'Manteiga' Aragão, at his home in Montreal. While he was still tuning up his gear, the riff burst onto my guitar. At the same time, we looked at each other 'Wow , that promises!' This is my favorite track on the album and we ended up inviting Manteiga to record a solo, which was absolutely destructive” (Ramiro Barros). The lyrics, influenced by the psychology of Carl Jung, deal with the extreme situation in which the shadow takes control over the individual, hampering his ability to lead his own life and leading him to the path of self-destruction.

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