Interviews About Albums: Howl At The Sky - IN LINE FOR THE END TIMES (2023)

In this new interview, we sat down with the American Rock 'N' Roll band Howl At The Sky to ask some questions about their new album "IN LINE FOR THE END TIMES"

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

This is our debut album and we wanted to come out of the gate with some heavy rock tunes that really had something to say.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

Our drummer John suggested the title "IN LINE FOR THE END TIMES" and we immediately knew that was it… especially when you consider the subject matter of the record, CONTROL. Control can take many forms: religion, politics, addiction, mental health, and even Social media. We've become a race of creatures desperately trying to stay relevant with our heads buried in our phones awaiting further orders from our taskmasters.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

It was a group effort for sure. Scott (vocals) is the primary lyric writer while Mike (guitar) and I (the other Scot-bass) share most of riff creation duties. John (drums) is the icing on top with his awesome beats and heavy grooves.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

I'm a huge stoner rock and metal fan so I'd have to go with "The Beast with No Eyes". Its working title was "Mike Likes The Sword" so that should clue you in haha. If Iron Maiden and The Sword collaborated on a tasty epic, they might have ended up with "The Beast with No Eyes".

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what it is?

Yeah, "Watch your step!" Just kidding. I mean we didn't start with the idea of writing a concept album, but there are certainly common themes throughout as previously mentioned.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

Sure. Our song "Stink Eye" is about the time when Scott (vocals) made the life choice to quit drinking and discovered that not all of his friends were supportive of his new direction. "You gave me the eye You gave me a toast The one damn thing I needed most Kept me tethered to a ghost" There's also this line that has become my mantra: "I don’t need you to tell me I’m wrong, this is my song" Life's too short not to be happy ya know? Words like the above remind me of that. We all make mistakes and we are usually our own worst critics. There's not a lot of value (to me) of beating a dead horse.

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Each of us brought unique musical tastes to the songwriting process. Once combined, it created the underpinnings of this thing we call "HOWL AT THE SKY". You'll hear metal, grunge, stoner, and even thrash oozing from the pores of these twelve tunes. We are also lucky to live in an area (Ohio, USA) with so many great original bands! Not only are they great musically, they are some of the best humans you'll ever meet. Bands like Smoke Healer, Slow Wake, Moon Temple, and Blessed Black really stand out to me. Check 'em out!

8. Something to add?

Really appreciate the interview. We are just four average guys that feel we have a great album to share. Hope you agree! The full album drops on July 24th but you can preorder it now (includes two songs now) at

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