Band Biographies: Iron Rule

Iron Rule is a Metallic Hardcore band from Riverside, California. Comprised of vocalist Daniel Lopez, guitarist Mike Monterone, bassist Nick Paredes, and drummer Curtis Slater, Iron Rule sets out to unleash a vicious aural assault on all of their listeners with their aggressive vocals, slamming breakdowns, and punishing drums beats.

Formed in 2018, Iron Rule has made waves with an EP, a full-length album, and several singles on streaming platforms. Their unique, concrete-shattering sound has not just captivated their local scene but echoed throughout the nation, demanding attention.

Taking inspiration from industry heavyweights like The Acacia Strain, Thick As Blood, No Zodiac, Despised Icon, Xibalba, and others, Iron Rule dives headfirst into the songwriting process. Their ambition is to not just meet but annihilate modern production standards while crafting a track that can ignite any live concert - as explosive as a pyrotechnics display at a rock show.

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