Behind The Artworks: OWDWYR - Receptor (2023)

Our artist Garek Druss really knocked it out of the park with the album art for Receptor. Each little panel is a mix of imagery pulled directly from the lyrics or an interpretation of their abstraction. Since Receptor’s lyrical concept centers around different perspectives of a single event, the art begins at the core of an eye, (literally) branching out to touch upon individual shards that are mostly separated but sometimes overlap. It was tough for us to imagine how we could represent the amalgamation of such a diverse blend of genres within one image, but Garek brought it all together with incredibly evocative detail. Slugs, coins, hands-on fire, crossed swords – there’s a lot going on in there! Have a listen to Receptor while checking out the album art; can you figure out where each shard comes from?

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