Interviews: KARMEN FIELD

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Progressive Grunge band KARMEN FIELD from the UK. Check out this band and follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or did it just come out like that?

The band name was coined by lewis as an avid weird fact hunter… one day he was looking up scientific facts on the internet. He found out that the last layer of the ozone before Earth meets space with a beautifully dyslexic spelling of the scientific term for the last layer of the atmosphere before space is called the Karmen Field. We all thought that was rad, so it stuck.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Honestly, we all come from slightly different music backgrounds. Molly was previously in blues rock and folk bands, Will has a background in blues too, whereas Lewis and Joe were in a metal band together called Inferno Ortum. When we started jamming together in 2019, the prog rock and 90s grunge sound began to emerge by accident.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Molly and joe grew up together as family friends. Molly and Lewis knew each other from a young age but became properly acquainted in their teenage years. Molly and Will met upon the formation of the band. Joe and Gooley were frenemies as young kids turned steadfast buddies (formerly playing together in ‘inferno ortom’). Joe and Will met as teenagers occasionally jamming over the years until becoming close friends a year or two before the band's formation. Will and Lewis met as teenagers playing in the band ‘naked chaos’.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Will: normally rage against the machine but currently Paramore (latest album ‘this is Why’ is a banger).

Lewis: Rush but Songs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age currently

Joe: Lamb of god but koloss by Meshuggah currently

Molly: Crosby, stills and Mash but Korn on MTV unplugged currently

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Seeing a mind-blowing performance is always a great inspiration but failing that just getting in the room with any idea in mind will do. We always try to listen to as many different artists as possible to bring out that next vibe. We go to a lot of live shows and festivals, especially supporting metal bands. The amazing musicians performing these days always encourage us to write and perform more. But generally, if anyone us is thinking or feeling passionately about something, like an unresolved argument, it usually turns into a song.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last gig was the quarter-finals for the bunkhouse battle of the bands in Swansea. We smashed it! Coming in first place securing our spot in the semifinals on the 25th of October!

7. Where would you like to play?

We’d like to play anywhere with good people who love good music. Particularly looking at festivals for next year, download, bloodstock, boomtown, and any others that will have us. We just love to play, the bigger and worse the audience the better!

8. Who would you like to support?

We’d love to support Tool, slipknot, Killing Joke, Tom Jones, Rage Against the Machine, etc. basically anyone whose tunes slap and whose fans love to groove and love to mosh

9. Who not?

Anyone who is too arrogant, sexist, racist homophobic, or judgmental.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

I think everyone has at some point and to some degree it never goes away. Our best advice would be to embrace the nerves. If you don’t have any at all before you go on then they will hit you at the worst time when you’re on stage. Adrenaline is your friend, go nuts and whatever you do don’t be static, overthinking is the enemy! Molly finds it a lot easier to perform now she engages more with the audience. It's easy to focus on the music and concentrate on the perfect performance, but the best performances are unpredictable and expressive and in the moment. We are all working on improving this on stage. Just know your craft, and rehearse as often as possible!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Tool, Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine, Foo Fighters, Stone Temple Pilots, lamb of god, the list goes on. We take bits of inspiration from many artists and genres you wouldn’t expect to. Never limit yourself to any one sound and always expand your horizons. There are a million other artists out there pushing as hard as you are and taking any advantage that you can in writing stand-out music.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Will: I’ve been asked to let a fan lick my armpit right after a set once. I might have let them… allegedly…

13. What do you think of your fans?

We think they’re a bunch of beautiful crazy weirdos! A bit like ourselves! We adore them. They have changed our lives and there's no way we would enjoy what we create half as much without their enthusiasm.

14. What do you think of our site?

It’s great!! Anyone who supports up-and-coming artists in the scene is getting a solid thumbs-up from us! We can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to share our love and music with your readers!

15. Something to add?

We’d love to add that we have another single in the latter stages of mixing and mastering that we’re really proud of that will be coming out in the near future and that our next album is sooooo close to being fully written we hope to be in the studio recording that either by the end of the year or in the very early new year. It slaps hard and you’re gonna love it!!! Keep in touch -

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