Behind The Scenes: Merging Beats - Come Crepe (Official Video)

“Come crepe” means “Like Cracks" in Italian and tells the story of the emotional wounds that a troubled relationship with one's father can leave on a child. It is the son himself who speaks in the first person about the void left by a relationship he has always dreamed of but never managed to have, or one that gradually faded away and of which he no longer has any memory. The lyrics reveal an accusing resentment towards the father, but in reality, they conceal a deep desire to communicate to his father and to himself his state of mind and what he truly wanted from that relationship. He just wants his father to know what he feels and what his son desires most."

"Merging Beats is a computer word game: the name comes from the merging bits, parts of binary code that join information in the CD-ROM encoding. Merging Beats, as the coding, tries to merge beats, rhythms, musical genres, and people.

The band was formed in Milan in 2017 when Ivan and Benedetta met Andrea, the future voice of the group, and decided to found an alternative rock group for fun and passion. They began rehearsing, writing their first songs in English, and testing themselves on small stages. In November 2017, with the addition of Marco on guitar, they defined their sound.

Between 2018 and 2019 the group went through a period of live performances and contests, playing from the Rock 'n' Roll in Rho to the Reggae Rock Festival in Bussero and in other venues in Lombard, reaching the finals at the Brianza Rock Festival and the Fuori dal Garage festival. After a two-year hiatus, their first EP, Easy Play, was released in May 2022, produced and recorded by Gianluca Guidetti. During the summer tour of Easy Play, they returned to perform on Lombardian stages, such as at the Rugby festival in Varese and the Rockantina festival in Inveruno, and began to venture outside the region, performing at the Rocka in Musica festival in Roccamandolfi (IS) and the Rockammare Festival in Castel Volturno (CE), opening for 24 Grana and Pierpaolo Capovilla e i Cattivi Maestri.

The summer ended on a high note with a performance at the Ariston Theater with the Sanremo Rock experience, and in early September 2022, they returned to the studio, ready to work on new songs. Thus, in 2023, their latest work "Non Avere Paura" was born, produced, recorded, and mixed by Matteo Magni at Magnitude Recording Studio.

They try to create visceral, distorted, raw music that is ready to captivate the audience, make them move, make them jump, and immerse them in their world."

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