Album Descriptions: Athiria - Conjure The Beast (2023)

CONJURE THE BEAST has quite a long history behind it. It was actually supposed to be a split album with a second band, but during the preparations our singer at the time decided against it and we planned a concept album.

Roughly speaking, the album was supposed to be about how humanity is losing its mind, and we wanted to cleverly package that as a story in the 10 songs! The first songs for it were created in 2015, until recording was finally ready to start in 2018.

Everything went really well and the album was supposed to be released in the summer of 2019, right around the time when things were going really well with the band and the first bigger shows were possible.

Unfortunately, our drummer at the time (Michael Ledermüller) developed serious mental problems and we had to put the release on hold for the time being because it was a very difficult situation for the whole band.

Just as the Corona pandemic began in 2020, Michael had a fatal car accident and died at the age of 28.

That changed everything and the band as it was fell apart because of it. A lot changed and everyone went their own way.

In the summer of 2022, the first discussions arose about founding a new band or reviving ATHIRIA.

With Andy Schaf on vocals and Ossi on bass, who was in the band until the first album (Capital Punishment), we restarted ATHIRIA at the beginning of 2023 and had a new lineup and was now a female fronted death metal band.

The lyrics were rewritten because our old singer forbade us to use them and we ended up re-recording the vocals! Now, 8 years after the first song was written, the album was finally released on November 10th, 2023 and we are overjoyed that it finally worked out!

That's the short summary of CONJURE THE BEAST!!

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