Band Biographies: CONFINEMENT

Since the beginning Confinement has sought to develop a proper style in playing real underground metal, with characteristics such as heaviness, rapidity, and nervous riffings aside from elaborated parts.

The themes of their lyrics are realistic and timeless, focusing on subjects such as the confrontation between good and evil, the exposing of the contradictions of fake liberty around us, and also, more importantly, themes of personal experiences, and Biblical references.

After releasing two demo tapes, a CD-Demo and taking part in compilations in Brazil and abroad, the band's work has received excellent reviews in alternative media such as fanzines, magazines, and radio stations, which have always highlighted the band's originality and experimentalism as a defining characteristic. And, after several videos and shows in the underground scene, the band will be releasing its new album, Facing Death, worldwide, in partnership with Sliptrick Records.

Throughout its history, Confinement has also always been active on the festival circuit alongside other underground bands, always making themselves available to schedule shows and tour partnerships.-

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