Behind The Scenes: Rock N' Road - Mind Over Matter (Official Video)

Mind over matter began inspired by our personal experiences and journey to knowing yourself and finding your unexpected journey, as our first ever released sing “Rolling” says. Its the first part of a long tale that will be told in our next songs to be released. The first step from the dark and fearful burned land of your uncontrolled self and mind to the enlightened peaks of your soul’s mountains. Its the way to recognise and accept your role in this big play which will give you the credits you ask from the “Director” . About how the song was made, its was this day that Nikos said he had written some lyrics and that he wanted this to sound like a heavy and strong blues song. Then Marios told everyone that i know what to do! It was some days later he came up with this melody and along with Nikos’s lyrics ,the result was something that everyone liked! We rehearsed, we recorded ,we released! Thank you!

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