Interviews About Albums: Cercenatory - Goresphere (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Colombian Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore band Cercenatory to ask questions about their upcoming album "Goresphere"

1. What can you say about this new CD?

We consider this new album the best we have done so far. Every song was carefully reviewed. We wanted to make sure to deliver a nasty sound, more on the brutal death style, and take it to another level, but we also wanted to keep using those slow catchy riffs and drum beats that are a strong characteristic of our style of music. The fact that Fernando is our vocalist now also plays an important role since his style brings a different dynamic to our music, it fits perfectly in our new composition and the result was exactly what we wanted. We are very satisfied.

2. What is the meaning of the CD name?

When we first started writing this album we had a good idea about what our songs would sound like and we wanted to use a name that was short but powerful. We introduced on this album a lot from The Divine Comedy, 9 songs for 9 circles of Hell, but we also used our own narrative of events as usual and depicted a whole new grotesque, filthy, disgusting, horrific scenario. It just clicked in our heads that it was a world of gore all over it, so ‘GoreSphere’ just came to us after trying a few different names. We love our choice, ‘GoreSphere’ really is us.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD?

We all compose. There are pieces and ideas of everyone's thoughts in every song. Everyone decides to think about songs and create a few compasses, and then we just jam and start going with the flow. Things just start to come up when we play, I believe we are lucky to have the same feeling for music and be so close to playing and enjoying it the same way every time.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

I'd say “Into the GoreSphere” just because it's the one I enjoy playing the most, but really it's hard to decide on one. Our recently released song "Crucified, Gutted, Desecrated" is also a favorite and that's why we decided to use that one for our premiere, but you guys be the judge when you listen to the whole album.

5. Is there a special message in this CD? If there is what it is?

This album is definitely different from our previous one by far, not only in terms of composition but also in terms of production, dynamics, musicality, and professionalism, we really dedicated ourselves to getting better in our instruments and decided that we wanted to give our best. This is the result of 7 years of constant work. We can see already that people are really digging the single and got a lot of great comments about it, hopefully, that's a sign that we did it the right way for all brutal heads out there always waiting for something sick.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

Well, all in conjunction is as one grotesque, butcher, unholy, violent, insane, sick torturous as hell but “Inquisitor Vortex Soul Torturing” is the genesis of the hecatomb in ‘GoreSphere’. Some of it goes like this:

"Iniquitous evil entities
Suffering for the religious
It will be the apocalypse
Eternally tormented by their stupidity
Expiation through brutal suffering.
Pain will be increasing by sadistic entities
Stabbing, torturing, sadistic suffering"

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Of course, our wives have been a lot of support to us and helped us keep going at it, but ultimately the inspiration is just knowing that we are in a city where brutal death metal is almost non-existent and we were lucky to meet up in this silly place to do this kind of music. I strongly believe I could've never found better bandmates. Even the members that aren't with us anymore, we are still friends and that's how we run this, they also deserve a big mention for all their contributions.

8. Something to add?

We just want every sick bastard in the world to know that ‘GoreSphere’ will blow your mind and that this will not be our last. We will keep doing sick music, so you guys keep spreading the disease! Cheers to all supporters out there!

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