Interviews: Witchorious

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Doom Metal band Witchorious from France. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

We were looking for a name that would sound cool and doom to us. We wanted to play with clichés and also make something meaningful. We had already started to develop the character of the Witch in our songs because for us it represents any oppressed community: hated, ostracized, but also feared and respected. As a symbol of this character and our fights, we decided the Witch would be Glorious. Which led to Witchorious.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We've all been listening to rock and metal music since we were kids. We started playing guitars, and drums, and sang a long time ago, always rocking, but with time we felt the need to sound darker, heavier, louder, and talk about our pains and frustrations in our songs. This also came up with Lucie using more and more fuzz on her bass, and Antoine keeping the habit of riffing. The project had to be doom metal.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Yes, actually Antoine and Lucie had already played together in other bands for almost ten years, and Paul is Lucie's brother.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Antoine: Red Hot Chili Peppers, they have been in my ears for almost all my ups and downs.

Lucie: It definitely changes as we do, but it would be Black Sabbath, and especially Geezer haha.

Paul: Steven Wilson, for his solo work and what he does with Porcupine Tree, opened my mind so much.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

We are definitely inspired by all the heavy metal/stoner doom riffs we spent so much time listening to, and especially the evil side of it. We like to sit in dark hellish atmospheres, with a touch of occult, melodies that make us think of Satan. I think it is a kind of sanctuary for us, a safe place where we can say anything we want, unleash our rage, and be who we want to be through our characters. In our songs, we talk about our pains, fears, and frustrations... We try to externalize our internal conflicts, that have a lot to do with situations in which we do not understand the behaviour of society. We often see mankind as something bad for the Earth. We also talk a lot about power and the way we, as humans, use it to exploit others, always dominate, and still never be satisfied. 

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last gig was in Chelles, near Paris, and this is actually our hometown! We had not played there for quite a while, and it was so cool to show our families and friends what the band had become.

7. Where would you like to act?

Any Desert Fest!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

We would love so much to feature with Messa! They are so cool, we are big fans of them. Their music and attitude are really what we love in Doom, and they definitely bring something new by being so creative.

9. Whom not?

Racist/homophobic/transphobic / whatever that is not cool dickheads.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Yes sure, each one of us has already experienced stage fright, must be part of the game haha. Each time, what helps is taking a deep breath, concentrating on breathing, and remembering as strongly as you can that you do it because you love it. You are about to get on stage and have the time of your life, playing your music in front of people who are going to help you make it big. The stage is a challenge but also the time for you to be a rockstar, and that is such a privilege. And if you are playing with a band, then rely on the others: you are not alone in this, together you are stronger, and communication is so important. Each time we are stressed out to go on stage, we tell each other, and any of us can always rely on the others to get reassured. You feel part of a strong group to play your gig, and that makes all the difference.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Obviously, the common great influence for all this is the Black Sabbath. We also draw our inspiration from bands like Electric Wizard or Lucifer for the old-school basis of our sound. Then, we try to incorporate as many influences as we can, depending on the themes of the songs. It can be recent masters of doom like Monolord, Mastodon, or Hangman's Chair, the nu-metal stuff we used to be addicted to like Korn and Deftones, and sometimes more modern metal material like Parkway Drive, Jinjer, or Amenra.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

A girl asked Antoine to teach her how to play "Live Wire" by Motley Crüe, in the street while packing our stuff after the show.

13. What do you think of your fans?

We think our fans are such nice people! We are a small band, people are discovering us, and still, they are so welcoming when we play on stage. Getting nice words on our songs or shows is so motivating, people who come to see us and buy something at the merch to support us... that is so much positive energy. We do this music for ourselves, because we love and need it, but only fans can give you the strength to continue, go further, and be so excited to play everywhere. 

14. What do you think of our site?

I think what you do is vital for the underground scene which needs visibility. Your curated sections by genre and by country are so useful because it is exactly how we music fiends want to discover new bands. And the integrated Bandcamp player is great for listening to bands without leaving your site!

15. Something to add?

Thanks so much Breathing The Core for this opportunity to present ourselves! To anyone who will discover us, we hope you enjoy the listen and if you like it, please come say hi at one of our shows :)

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