Interviews: Embers Ignite

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Melodic Death Metal one-man project Embers Ignite from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the artist on his FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you plan it or come out just like that?

When I started this project, I had 4 songs demoed that I wanted to record and release. When it came to choosing a band name, I struggled to find something I liked so I ended up going back to the song titles and lyrics for inspiration and the song and lyric "Embers Ignite" stood out to me. I lived with it for a while, and it grew on me. To me, it evoked images of fire, of something small like an ember being able to start something much bigger and more destructive like a fire. It seemed to work, and it suited the fast and heavy music I was making so I kept it!

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Ultimately because I love listening to it, playing it and creating it! I grew up listening to all sorts but the first band I truly loved was Iron Maiden when I was 9. I loved the heavy guitars, the galloping rhythms, the epic vocals, the imagery, and above all the melodies – the twin harmonized guitar parts were amazing! My taste gradually got heavier and faster over the years with bands like Metallica and Megadeth, then Pantera and Machine Head, then In Flames and Dark Tranquillity, and The Black Dahlia Murder etc…

I love the fast, brutal and technical stuff too, but I still find myself gravitating towards the music and bands with a bit of groove and melody. It's what I like listening to and it’s what comes out of me when I pick up my guitar! The good thing about being a one-man band (and arguably the bad thing too) is that I don't have to please anyone else or incorporate their influences into what I am doing!

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Being a one-man project I’d like to think so! 🤣

4. Your favorite band?

There are a few bands I love and a few more that have helped form who I am musically but if I could only name one it would have to be In Flames. Whilst I much prefer their earlier stuff, and as much as I'm not a fan of a couple of albums, I think they are still writing cool riffs and songs, they're great live and their last album, in my opinion, was really good!

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Just by being alive, I guess. I’m primarily a guitarist and ever since I started playing I’ve always written riffs and songs – I’m not really sure where they come from! Since leaving my last band I started writing full songs on guitar and then added bass guitar and programmed drums etc as demos. I never had a reason to do it, there was no end goal, I guess I just have ideas and songs inside me that I need to get out! It annoyed me that I’d never finish them (usually lyrics and vocals) and as I didn’t have a band to help finish them, I got to a point where I started writing lyrics for some of them and then recording rough vocals for them. I used to write a lot of the music and lyrics in my last band and did backing vocals live so it’s something I’d done before but I was definitely out of practice, especially with writing lyrics and doing vocals.

Like anything, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. It took ages to finish the 4 tracks that became my debut EP but less time to write the lyrics for “Visions Of A Dying World”. And whilst that was being mixed and mastered, I’ve pretty much written a full album musically and lyrically for my next release so I’m in full flow at the minute!

Regarding the content – it’s usually the darker side of things – the debut EP had songs about depression ("Into The Darkness"), evil and hatred ("Embers Ignite"), and humanity being a plague on earth ("The Curse Of Man"). The latest EP, “Visions OF A Dying World”, ended up being a kind of concept album. I didn’t set out to do that initially, but all the songs are about the end of the world in one way or another. I guess that was where my head was when writing lyrics.

6. Where was your last gig?

Performing or as part of the audience?

Embers Ignite is a studio project so the songs I’ve released haven’t been performed live before. So the the last gig I played was with my last band Incidium back in 2012.

The last gig I went to was to see Decapitated in Manchester, UK in December 2023! They were amazing! It was a masterclass in how to play death metal!

7. Where would you like to perform?

As I said I don’t play live at the moment and haven’t for a very long time now, but I’d love to play a major metal festival! I think I’d put a band together for that!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

The dream would be to play on a bill with all my musical heroes (most of which are still going...just) – Iron Maiden, Metallica, Machine Head, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, The Black Dahlia Murder, etc…

But I always loved sharing a stage with any band that gave it their all and who shared a passion for music!

9. Whom not?

It’s all exposure right?!

10. Have you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Definitely – before every gig I’ve ever played! No matter how long I’d been playing, no matter how well I knew the songs, no matter how much I practiced and knew the set I always had stage fright before we went on. Luckily never to the point I couldn't go on!

It's something I just eventually accepted and learned to live with. I’d be quite shy at the start of gigs and I’d be stood there with my head down, hiding behind my long hair, concentrating on my playing, and then before I knew it I'd be headbanging and my feet up on the monitor and I'm pulling stupid faces at the people in front of the crowd during a solo! It became fun and then I'd be gutted when the show was over! I think the stress and tension from stage fright get released once you get into it and add to the euphoric feeling! I’d always be buzzing after a show!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Metallica and Megadeth got me playing guitar when I was a teenager so definitely them to some extent. I mentioned Iron Maiden earlier too – they got me into heavy metal when I was 9 and I still love the melodies and harmonies of them too. I think sound-wise I would liken myself to bands like In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, At The Gates, etc... true masters of melodic death metal!

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Haha – good question - nothing too weird I don’t think. The usuals would be for photos, guitar picks or set lists, things like that. I guess the weirdest one was a request for the sweatband I’d worn on my wrist for an entire set – it was dripping with sweat! I was a bit confused as to why someone would want it, but I had a spare so I obliged!

13. What do you think of your fans?

I think they are the coolest bunch of people in the world and they clearly have great taste! :P

As an artist, I write and record the songs because I want to, but to know there are people out there who genuinely like my music and listen to it still blows my mind!

14. What do you think of our site?

It's beautiful! It's full of loads of awesome metal content! Some bands I know but most are new to me – it’s a great place to discover new bands and new music by genre or location! It's amazing to read the interviews and the track-by-tracks or behind the artworks. I love hearing how others create music/art and what inspired it!

15. Something to add?

It’s been great talking to you! Thanks for having me!

And to the readers - If you like melodic death metal go give "Embers Ignite" a listen! If you like it, go follow the band on social media and support them in any way you can!

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