Interviews: Lesbian Bed Death

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the  Gothic Punk/Hard Rock band, Lesbian Bed Death, from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the project on his FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Dan: I heard the phrase ‘Lesbian Bed Death’ on a television program. I thought it’d make a cool name for a band, and suited the ideas I had in my head at the time.

2. Why did you want to play this genre? 

Dan: At the time of forming Lesbian Bed Death, I was in another band that was influenced by Thrash and Rap-Metal, and I wanted to do something completely different that was a homage to the Glam, Goth, and Punk bands I enjoyed in my very early teenage years. The sound of the band evolved from there.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Dan: I’m the founder member and there have been many previous line-ups that all fell apart for various reasons. The vast majority of people I know, I’ve met through this band and by being involved in my local music scene.

4. Each band member's favorite band? 

Dan: The Misfits, Kiss, Judas Priest, Danzig, Sisters Of Mercy, Blood Command.. there a just so many.

Leisl: Lacuna Coil, Dark Tranquillity, Arch Enemy, Within Temptation. Hard to name just one.

JJ: Crawlers

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

JJ: I truly believe that lyrics are poems that found their soulmates in music, writing music comes very naturally to us, it feels as though it was always something we were meant to do. We love horror movies, and classic rock and punk, we use these things to write badass songs we love to jam to, and that we hope you love to jam to too

Dan: It’s probably a mix of dark emotions, dark humor, Horror films, and awesome bands.

6. Where was your last gig? 

JJ: Our last gig was at Jollees in STOKE, to conclude our 2023 MIDNIGHT LUST tour. 

7. Where would you like to act?

Dan: I’d like to play a legendary American venue such as The Whiskey A Go Go. 

JJ: Rock City in Nottingham.

8. Whom would you like to feature with? 

Dan: I’d love for us to support Ghost, The Misfits, or Creeper

9. Whom not?

Dan: I’m happy to share a stage with anyone.  

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Leisl: Considering I am a huge introvert and the idea of being under a spotlight petrifies me, strangely, being behind the bass is like some sort of security blanket for me, and apart from minor nerves, I generally just remember to take a few deep breaths, and I’m fine. My key tip - tell yourself you can do it, and believe in yourself.

JJ: You wouldn’t know it once you've seen me on stage, but before I get on I'm an anxious wreck. You'll find me pacing around,. stimming, taking deep breaths to keep calm - borderline panic attack. My anxiety continues even after I get on stage, it only subsides when I get past the first song, and that’s when I really get into it. Once I overcome that first hurdle, I look around at my fellow band members and suddenly I feel invincible - it's just four best friends vs the world. It's hard getting up in front of 1 person, or 20, or 200, it's a difficult thing to do - but the main thing to remember is, is that you’re doing this for a reason, hold your dreams close to your heart and your passion will take you far! If that fails, a shot or two of whiskey will take the edge off

11. What bands have inspired you the most? 

Dan: Probably The Misfits and Danzig. I’m a little obsessed.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Leisl: (I can’t remember 100%) One guy once asked us for a meet and greet, and they wanted to ask us all some questions, and give us a trick or a treat, depending on our answers. Something like that.

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Dan: They’re fantastic. We’re lucky to have a large number of fans who’ve stuck with us over the years. We keep winning over new ones, so that’s awesome too. 

JJ: It's surreal to me to have people genuinely make an effort to come out and see us, each and every person who does is an absolute legend and we love them all. Our fans have created a real sense of community amongst them, they've made friends with one another, I think that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. They’re all awesome!

14. What do you think of our site? 

Dan: I’m not too sure about ‘Christian Core’ but other than that features some awesome artists that we don’t see in mainstream publications.

Leisl: It’s a great website. Really well laid out, with a fantastic array of content. Loving the thorough sub-genres list too.

15. Something to add?

JJ: Yes! Thank you for reaching out to us, you rock!! We have an album coming out on 1st March that you should really check out! MIDNIGHT LUST is a wicked combination of heavy riffs and melodic vocals meant to bewitch you into joining the Lesbian Bed Death cult! Several of the tracks from this album have music videos already released on our YouTube if you would like to check them out!

Dan: We have several music videos we’re really proud of, so if anyone out there is interested in checking our band out, head over to YouTube and have a look.

Leisl: Thank you for the interview, and a huge thank you to all of our fans. Without them, our journey simply would not be possible.

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