Interviews: Silver Dollar Room

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the  Rock band, Silver Dollar Room, from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Silver Dollar Room is a bar in Toronto Canada which was the location used for The Blue Oyster Bar in the Police Academy Movies. Early on in the band, we joked about making the album a Police Academy concept album because we love the movies so much. That didn’t last long but we thought having a name based around the movie would be fun. Lisa came up with the idea and we all loved it.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

This is just what we do. We have all lived and breathed alternative rock and grunge our whole lives. It’s not that we want to, we have to!

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Yes and no! Jamie and Doug have been friends since their teenage years. Jamie had produced John’s old band in the studio. And Jamie and Lisa are in another band together. So he brought everyone together!

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Jamie: I don’t have a favorite really; I love lots of bands. And some of them are certain eras of bands. I adore early Pearl Jam and Counting Crows, but not at all keen on the later stuff. The only band whose entire back catalog I love is Alice In Chains.

John: I don’t really have an all-time favorite band but my favorite artist is Prince. He is someone who embodies everything I adore about music... that being not confined to any rules while creating. A true searcher.

Dan: Soundgarden would be my favorite band, they had such a diverse mix of sounds with each member contributing. They are also a very challenging band to get into which makes their discography all the more rewarding.

Lisa: Likewise, I don’t have an ultimate favorite band or genre and as a multi-instrumentalist, I love different music for different reasons. As the singer and songwriter I primarily am, Tori Amos is a huge influence. There’s a dark beauty to her style of writing and I love that.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Jamie: Being in a room with other musicians is the most inspiring way to write for me. I have come up with so much music that way. On the fly and in the moment can get some great results. Recently I have come up with ideas on my own and demoed them at home into a basic format. But it’s only the collaboration that brings it to life.

John: Anything and everything inspires me to write. I do prefer to write alone because I’m never one for just going to a specific place to focus on writing. I can be inspired to write something just by walking to the bus stop or stopping mid-dinner to write or record a melody on my phone.....just very sporadic really.

Dan: Inspiration for me comes from solitude and entering into a creative mindset. Anything from watching a film or being in nature can inspire ideas for me.

Lisa: For me, writing is often very personal and can be like a diary entry for me. If I can capture a moment in time, job done. It doesn’t even matter if I feel the same about it later, it helps me grow in many ways.

6. Where was your last gig?

Jamie: SDR hasn’t played a gig yet, but my last one was in a castle in Aberdeen!

John: If I remember correctly my last gig was at the Garage in Glasgow.

Dan: The garage in Glasgow as well I believe!

Lisa: As a working musician, I’m gigging most weeks, but the last real gig of note would be Moshville Winterfest at Ivory Blacks with my punk band AC Rid.

7. Where would you like to act?

Any Scottish band will say the same thing – Barrowlands Ballroom in Glasgow. It’s a magical place and is the favorite venue in the whole world for Dave Grohl.

John: Awww man good question..... there are too many amazing venues to choose from if I'm being honest. I always wanted to play at the venue in Edinburgh. I was at one of the last ever gigs and it always stuck in my mind that I would never get the chance to play on that stage.

Dan: I would say King Tuts is a very iconic venue and has a great history, as well as The Barrowlands.

Lisa: In recent years, it’s been festivals that have given me the most pleasure. Big or small, bringing your music to a new audience is always satisfying and I hope to do lots of that with SDR.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Honestly, anyone who we fit with.

9. Whom not?

Honestly, anyone we don’t fit with.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Jamie: If you are well rehearsed and can do it on your own, then you can do it in front of people. Preparation brings confidence. Nerves for me come from not feeling fully prepared. The audience will add to the energy and excitement. The idea of playing in front of thousands of people only excites me, it doesn’t make me nervous. So my advice is to be prepared and be prepared to feed off the people in the room.

John: It's a funny one this... you join a band to share your art with folk but sometimes the nerves make you forget about this. I always just remind myself of why I’m there and what got me on that stage in the first place. That would be my advice to anyone, especially for a first gig. I think nerves bring a certain kind of excitement to the whole process. I’d rather be nervous than not..... that’s for sure.

Dan: I’m with Jamie and John on this one, preparation and practice are key for performing to your best abilities.

Lisa: It’s difficult at times, as to be on stage requires some level of ego. You’ve got to believe you’re good at it in some way and that only truly comes with the hard work that confirms it. Imposter syndrome is something I’ve very much suffered from in the past, but it’s been a good push too, and I think it’s one of the reasons I play so many instruments. If I’m challenged, I’m working hard and therefore getting better. Keep going, keep working, it’s the only way.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Jamie: Guns n Roses is the band that made me a musician. Watching Slash play inspired me to be a musician. I can literally pinpoint the moment when I declared – ‘I’m in!’. Outside that, Pearl Jam, Manics, Nirvana, Bush, Placebo, Pumpkins….. the list goes on and on! I’m inspired by music and musicians!

John: it wasn’t really a band or artist for me. it started with very early house music and blues, soul, and Motown. My mum used to run raves and club nights in the very early 90s. There were always DJs around the house mixing records and just playing this amazing music. I knew then it was something I wanted to be a part of. My uncle was a famous blues musician in his own right and I was always inspired and freaked out by hearing the stories of Robert Johnson selling his soul for his talent..... I knew then that I wanted to write and be involved in music.

Dan: My brother gave me The Offsprings Americana cassette and after that, it was game over!

Lisa: For me, it’s always been the musicians I’ve surrounded myself with that have influenced me most. I joined my first band punk band at 15 and instantly found my people. I’ve been around them ever since.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Jamie: Whilst not a specific thing, I get weirded out when folk try to talk to me in the toilets when I am having a piss. Toilet etiquette is simple… Keep your eye on the prize and get on with the job at hand!

John: I do remember one really drunk dude asking me to swap shirts with him..... tbf the shirt was pretty badass so I don’t blame him for asking haha. He must have asked 3 or 4 times throughout the night which completely weirded me out considering it was caked in sweat from just performing.

Lisa: Yuck. Kinda hate that my experience of this might differ from the guys but yeah, as a female, I’ve had some pretty weird and gross encounters. Sad to have to say so in 2024.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Jamie: When we meet them we will let you know. My mum thinks we are great, she is alright!

John: like Jamie said.... we will let you know “IF” and when we have some!

14. What do you think of our site?

It’s pretty mental. We can't believe the reach and massive amount of bands from all over the world! We loved being able to filter bands by country!

15. Something add?

Be excellent to each other!

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