Interviews: Beyond The Pale

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Death Metal/Thrash Metal band Beyond The Pale from The Netherlands. Check out this band and follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

The band name refers to an expression that was first used in Ireland way back in the 13th century, to describe people who lived outside the parts of Ireland controlled by the British. Pale is an old name for a stake or pointed piece of wood, and to a barrier made of such stakes; a palisade or fence. Once you passed "the Pale," you were outside the authority and safety of English law, and subject to all the savageries of rural Ireland. Anyone living beyond those pales was considered an outcast, someone not part of society. "Beyond the pale" then became a colloquial phrase meaning "outside the limits of acceptable behavior or judgment." Metal in itself has always been sort of an outcast group of society and often considered offensive, and outside agreed standards of decency. So Jeroen and Johnny felt the name was very fitting when they started this band.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Death and thrash metal runs in our veins. We love energy and catchy riffs, we love riffs that stay stuck in your head forever like little earworms, and we absolutely love deathly growls to finish it off. Besides, these two genres combined give us the freedom to put in all the different emotions we have when talking about certain issues, whether personal, local, or global.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Johnny and Frank already knew each other for a long time, they played together in a band called Bloodgod. During one of Bloodgod's shows they shared the stage with a band that was fronted by Janneke, who made a lasting impression with her stage performance. Frank and Janneke were already acquainted. When Johnny invited Janneke to join Beyond the Pale, she agreed provided that Frank would join as well. He was part of her fringe benefits, hahaha. Janneke and Geoffrey also knew each other. After the passing of our beloved friend and guitarist Jeroen two years ago, Geoffrey reached out and soon after joined the ranks.

4. Could you tell us a bit more about Jeroen van Donselaar and his death?

On April 27, 2022 we had our debut live show at Big Ass Metal Fest in Utrecht. As you can imagine, we were very excited. It felt like our band adventure would finally properly start off with, hopefully, many more live shows to follow. However, fate would decide differently. Halfway through our set, Jeroen suddenly collapsed. He died from cardiac arrest doing what he did best: Delivering razor-sharp riffs on stage with a huge smile on his face. Jeroen was one of the founding fathers of Beyond the Pale and rightfully so created what we like to call ‘JeroenMetal’ as a genre. He will forever be remembered as a kind, loving, wonderful guy with a heart of gold.

5. How is this tragic event reflected on your new release 'Monument in Time'? 

'Monument in Time' marks both our studio debut, and our come-back. The EP honors Jeroen's memory and his extraordinary talent for soul-purging riffs, as reflected in all six tracks. We channeled our grief into art, releasing ‘Monument in Time’ as a poignant tribute. This recording serves as a cathartic expression of loss, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds forged through music.

6. Each band member's favourite band?

This may change over time because every week there's a shitload of awesome bands that release great music, but some of these bands have inspired us a lot. 

Johnny: Gorefest, At the Gates, Death

Frank: Slayer, Carcass, Pantera

Janneke: Rotting Christ, Lamb of God, Nile, Behemoth, Lorna Shore (and the old Arch Enemy)

Boudewijn: Elder, Torche, Sunnata

Geoffrey: I Chaos, Necrophagist, Exodus

7. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Pretty much everything. We wrote Walk The Plank based on pirate lingerie from Marlies Dekkers (Janneke's favorite story to tell), we wrote Facts and Figures because of the coronavirus pandemic, and we are working on a new song of which the lyrics are inspired by the many drug addicts in Frankfurt (among other cities).

8. Where was your last gig?

As of this writing, our last gig was on March 9 in De Vorstin in Hilversum, the Netherlands. It was a release show for 'Monument in Time', our upcoming release. Later this month we got another one coming up, with a few more shows booked in June and September. Including our very first gig abroad, in Germany. We can't wait to cross the borders and conquer the rest of the world, haha.

9. Where would you like to act?

Of course, we all have a bucket list of festivals we hope to play one day, however impossible it may seem. Think of Wacken, Graspop, 70.000 tons of metal, Inferno Metalfest, Alcatraz Festival, Hellfest, etc. However, we pretty much just want to play live as much as possible at amazing venues worldwide.

10. Whom would you like to feature with?

Our vocalist Janneke would love to do a tour with Rotting Christ.

11. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Of course, we all still get a bit nervous before getting on stage. It even still happens to Janneke that she will have an instant blackout during the set and partially forget her lyrics. But it's all okay. Because as long as you give it all you've got and you can look back and be proud of yourself, that is what matters. And when the audience goes wild, that is the best feeling in the entire world. Just go for it. Take that leap. Learn from mistakes and never give up.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Once, a fan asked Janneke to marry her on the spot.

13. What do you think of your fans?

It goes without saying that we love our fans. Without them, we couldn't do what we do. That goes for any band, any musician. They help us keep that dream alive and they motivate us to keep going and continue to do what we love most: making music and playing awesome shows.

14. What do you think of our site?

We love the broad scope of musical styles that you cover, and the supporting platform that you offer to some of the most influential and iconic bands in music history, as well as up-and-coming bands like us.

15. Something to add?

First of all, thanks a lot for this interview. We highly appreciate your support. Please keep up the good work and stay metal. Secondly, don't forget to check out our new release 'Monument in Time', out on April 27. Pre-orders via have officially started. Indulge yourself with a digital album, CD, or (colored) vinyl on a 12" deluxe gatefold. Horns up!

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