Interviews: Livevil

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Symphonic Metal band, Livevil, from Poland. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Monika: My daughter was the spark to invent the name. She asked me once if I had known that LIVE when reading backward is EVIL😊. And that impressed me so much that I decided to join both words into one.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Tomek: I'm a guitar player, I've played in rock/metal bands before, but I needed something a little different, something fresh. So we followed the idea of our guitarist Kuba and combined guitar music with elements of synth wave.

Kuba: Yes, I am guilty😊 I love electronic music Trance, Techno, Deephose, recently New Retro Wave. I can't live without guitar music too - metalcore, electronicore, djent. I suppose our genre is a result of that.

Monika: In my case, the answer is easy, I joined them after they had decided to play this kind of music😊 I had nothing to say. But frankly speaking, I like it.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Tomek: Kuba and I had played in a few bands before. We knew Grzesiek from other bands, he was also our manager in the previous band.

Kuba: Monika, a rough diamond, was found at one of the castings for the front vocal.

4. Each band member's favourite band?

Tomek: There are so many that it is difficult to choose one.

Kuba: In my case, it is Electric Callboy at the moment.

Grzegorz: Amaranthe

Monika: I agree with Tomek. I love Pearl Jam, Tenacious D, Cream, Hendrix, Janis Joplin........ but also Electric Callboy or Lost Society... I can't decide...

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Kuba: J Being on the stage, fame, flo, fans, camera flashes

Tomek: I don't write lyrics, but I love making music. I enjoy the process of creating the music and polishing it up. Personally, I don't have any special inspirations. I think that what each of us brings to our music is a result of our input to this project and what we have listened to and liked so far. From my point of view, creating something is rather a process that is both mathematical and random at the same time, and the inspiration comes only from assumptions, e.g. distorted guitar, synth wave bass/new retro wave, etc. And the rest is a matter of imagination and time.

A lot of my ideas are born in my head while playing the guitar - I often record these motifs and then put them in as a strictly electronic layer and see what comes out. After that,  I reinvent my guitar part. At least that's what I do when I'm creating the skeleton of a song, which is then modified by the rest of our crew. On the other hand, when I'm playing with someone's skeleton, I'm trying to fit into the existing puzzle. I usually prepare several proposals and we choose the best one.

Monika: I write lyrics to music I am given I have to admit that the boys ( Tomek, Kuba and Grzegorz)are my inspiration They are MUSES...But the words come to me, I think, rather easily The World is so inspirational, there are so many things happening, emotions flying around... I just observe and write down.

6. Where was your last gig?

Grzegorz: Our last concert was in Warsaw, Poland.

7. Where would you like to act?

Tomek: At festivals and in big clubs. It would be nice to have a tour somewhere abroad, e.g. in South America.

Kuba: At Glastonbury, Rock in Rio, Download, Lollapalooza, Hellfest...

Grzegorz: Red Rocks Amphitheatre Colorado, US...

Monika: Tu sum up, everywhere

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Kuba: Carpenter Brut, Dance with the Dead, Perturbator.

Tomek: In my case, the list would be really long, but I think that all of us would agree that it would be nice to play as a support of Electric Callboy, for example.

9. Whom not?

Grzegorz: It is a tricky question as we haven't thought about it. We were talking about bands we would like to play with rather. I think  playing with disco-polo bands is more or less impossible for us.  But we are rather open to music styles.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Kuba: There is always stage fright, but at this stage, it is more about the unreliability of the equipment and the natural perversity of inanimate objects But if the artist is well prepared, the performance is nothing but the pleasure

Tomek: Yes, that is true. But I'll never forget the first concert when I was as pale as a wall. I barely made it onto the stage. In total concentration, I tried not to make a mistake. I stood there totally terrified hahaha :D For beginners, I have a few tips:

- Tense abdominal muscles before going on stage. It gives me some inner strength Possibly some warm-up/jumping can also help.

- If you exercise a lot, the chance of making a mistake decreases, and at the same time, your self-confidence increases.

- Give a lot of concerts, every time you go on stage is easier

Monika: I can add one thing only...have fun!! If you don't do it for your own pleasure, people will see that and won't follow you. Be honest and natural.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Kuba: Recently Electric Callboy, previously Pendulum, Justice, Cristal Castel.

Tomek: It's a difficult question because there were a lot of bands, I'm a bit old now. The bands I have a fondness for are bands from my childhood (e.g. Modern Talking) and youth (Depeche Mode, The Sisters of Mercy, Tiamat, Metallica, In Flames and many others), but those were the old days.

Monika: I can't say. I love too many of them.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Grzegorz:  It depends on what you mean.  One of our fans asked Monika to change the words in one song, to sing for him on his birthday, and she did. In our song " Radiation" instead of whispering: "Radiation, radiation, feel my vibration stop being patient"  she sang: " Radiation, radiation thinking about .......( the nickname of the man:) while masturbation:).  Once, she was also given 7 pairs of male underwear for each day of the week with some pictures and titles of songs:) Another man offered to hire a club to play for him. But if ask that question next year, I am sure we will have more to tell

13. What do you think of your fans?

Monika: We all LOVE our fans. It is a pleasure when you see them, dancing, jumping, and listening to us. It gives us the power to play for them and to practice to become better and better.

14. What do you think of our site?

Grzegorz: We like your site and we are happy that you are willing to write about us.

15. Something add?

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