Interviews: Wolves I Feed

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Melodic Metal/Progressive Metal/Electronic Metal/Industrial Metal/Alternative Metal band, Wolves I Feed, from Finland. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

I originally toyed with the moniker Two Wolves after the rather famous Native American proverb about the internal struggles within us all. At some point, I noticed there were more than a few different entities already sporting the name, so I settled on Wolves I Feed. It serves as a sort of look-in-the-mirror for me, too – a reminder to think carefully about which wolves I feed within myself.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

I think other people are more qualified to put a genre stamp on WIF than me, but as a musician, I’ve always had the desire to also create on my own, and subsequently, I’ve always had at least one solo project going alongside more communal endeavors. Though I’m sure it sounds like a whole heap of hyperbole, Wolves I Feed is very much a no- no-holds-barred and limitless extension of that desire – the musical open road. Where it may take me at any given time is as much a mystery to me as it is to anyone else. I’d wager that’s also a key component in keeping WIF’s output an acquired taste, but that’s the kind of shenanigans this chef gets up to when left unsupervised in the kitchen.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Since this is a solo project, absolutely not. That guy in the mirror is one cooky dude.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

I could answer this question a million different ways in a million different days, but let’s go with today’s truth: King Diamond, Katatonia, Emperor, Bathory, Deep Purple, Moonspell, Soilwork, Massive Attack, Dissection, CMX, Mr. Bungle – and my other projects, of course: Smoke Society, Tulikoura and Huone 13.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

My home studio is the best place on earth, but it’s also a place where I truly and completely lose myself. That’s a roundabout way of saying I usually don’t have too many conscious thoughts rumbling around my noggin when I’m knee-deep in composing – it just tends to happen, and I’m as perplexed as anyone when these unhinged moments in some nameless abyss yield concrete and palpable results in musical form. Sometimes things start spiraling from toying around with a VST instrument, other times it’s a bass or a vocal line stuck in my head, a sporadic idea from a book title from years ago, whatever, whenever. I don’t question it too much – I’m just thankful that these jolts of inspiration keep coming to me.

6. Where was your last gig?

No gigs yet, on account of the one-man-band thing. Perhaps one day.

7. Where would you like to act?

On Broadway? Seriously though, if you’re asking about where I’d like to play in terms of venue, I will confess I have a lingering dream to play at Finland’s Tuska festival one day. It’s on my bucket list.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Do you mean to play a show with? Anything goes, but I think Wolves I Feed would look its best sharing the stage with acts of the more extravagant, visually grandiose persuasion. Less shoegazing and more fireworks, so to speak.

9. Whom not?

I’m more about “why not” than “no”. Having said that, I’d probably pass on playing alongside any heavily political bands.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

The best advice I could hope to give is to embrace that fear and make it part of the joy of playing live. This might seem counterproductive at first, but hear me out: make a friend of stage fright. Recognize and appreciate the fact that no other scenario on this earth can make you feel quite like playing live. It is truly unique. Utilize stage fright as propulsion and a source of energy, and forge it to your will. Shout at the devil, so to speak. Learn to enjoy it. Most often stage fright is born from either the worry of being somehow compromised in front of an audience or from losing control of the moment itself. Remember that those eyes upon you can never infringe on who you truly are and that you can never hope to control everything from moment to moment. Jump into the pit with your hair on fire – fear is part of it. It means you care.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

I always tend to get this question wrong, because most of the time the subtext seems to be “which bands do you think you sound like the most?” But if we’re talking raw inspiration rather than direct comparison – everything from potato-quality black metal to synth-wave. There’s way too much good music in the world for one lifetime. A tragedy we all share.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

A fan of an older folk metal project of mine once approached me out of the blue and asked us to perform at their wedding. The band was in a state of disintegration at the time, but I felt very honored and obligated to make this happen. Eventually, I and a bandmate drew up this little acapella duet, which we performed as the couple’s wedding march in a medieval style event space hidden in a derelict industrial complex here in Helsinki. After the ceremony, we proceeded to get absolutely neutron hammered on tasty wheat beer surrounded by strangers. Not a bad way to spend an evening, all things considered.

13. What do you think of your fans?

They have impeccable taste.

14. What do you think of our site?

Very cool stuff! I’ve actually made some fresh artist discoveries thanks to your site, so kudos to you, and much appreciated to be featured here.

15. Something to add?

Apologies for rambling on, but that’s how I roll. If any readers made it this far, I commend you on your perseverance and hope you take a moment to delve into Wolves I Feed. The debut album “Plus Ultra” is a wild ride, and is available on all digital platforms from Spotify to Bandcamp. I hope my music speaks to you.

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