Band Biographies: Vrykolakas

VRYKOLAKAS was formed in July 1991. Started as a 2-piece band and has evolved into a 4-piece unit with line-up changes along the way. In July 2024, VRYKOLAKAS will be 33 years old as band. It has been a very deadly journey, making new friends, reuniting with old friends, discovering new music and making music. And this year, we will be releasing our 5th album under a few labels which has been our friends over the years through trading.
VRYKOLAKAS has been influenced by many death metal and early black metal bands, even thrash metal and grindcore bands. Therefore, our songs vary depending on the ideas during the songwriting process. This means that the separated releases will be grouped according to how the songs turn out.
Currently, the band has maintained the trinity of Andi (vocals) / Khairil (strings) / Edi (drums). We have recently secured the sacrifice of Zahid on guitars.
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