Behind The Scenes: Circle Of Nerves - Pain Is My Drug (Official Video)

Inspired by an ancient folk tale, our chosen locations are steeped in history and mystery. Legend has it that an evil queen once reigned, terrorizing the townsfolk until a witch's curse befell her castle. For three centuries, the castle succumbed to flames every hundred years, leaving behind only eerie ruins.

This haunting backdrop resonated with the themes of our song, steeped in raw emotion and turmoil. Directed by Robert Hellström and supported by HNI Designs, our production braved the lingering chill of early spring to capture the essence of the ruin. Despite the cold, we completed filming in a single afternoon, experimenting with various angles to ensure a visually compelling narrative.

Drawing inspiration from the cult classic film The Return of the Living Dead, we incorporated a VHS effect into the video, adding a nostalgic and gritty layer to the visuals. In the end, we were thrilled with the result—a testament to our collective vision and dedication.

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