Interviews About Albums: Dead Harrison - None For All (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the American Apocalyptic Doom Metal/Gothic Metal/Psychedelic Rock/Punk band Dead Harrison to ask questions about their album, "None For All".

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

DH: Good storytelling. The album has a great way of creating landscapes in your mind. Not just landscapes, but good imagery of characters. Only, you are the character. It's definitely an art form in itself. Being able to create pictures in the mind, of action, of reflection, of plain old zombie entertainment. It's a fun little roller coaster. You can't really pin down a specific genre for this album. "Variety is the spice of life" so they say. So, we traveled some different terrain. We wanted to bring you along to some different places.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

DH: The title, None for All. does have significant meaning. If you're going to think you have none, or are nothing...give the world the best nothing they ever got. The Four Musketeers of our little doomy world. Where it's All for None and None for All. Technically, you could say this album is part II of that story. We're all living through some crazy times right now. This title feels like an analogy of today's world. We're always going to be fighting those ambiguous monsters. We will do our best to triumph, as will you. Like all the work you do can sometimes be for nothing. To have all that hard work never come to fruition. So people then stop doing anything to get to that good place and what happens? Nobody has anything in the end. It's a duality in its true form. Always a choice.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

DH: Drae would be that creature. All the songs were mostly written by Jason (bass) and Shawn (guitar). One cover, written by Mitski, was done because it was just a wonderful song. Drae would take that rawness of the song and help hone it into that piece it had the potential to be. But those guys wrote some great songs and also put some great composition into them for this album. This album pulled some great creative processes from everyone.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

DH: Terror Grinder or Doom Train......mmmmmm Terror Grinder. It has this old southern gospel feel that turns into a nice upbeat punk feel. A good ol' high-energy song to put a little extra tap in your toes. Nothing like rocking out to this golden oldie when the giant double-headed monster meat wagon comes strolling over the horizon to grind you into food. Fun times!

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what is it?

DH: Keep up the good fight. This album is the spirit of perseverance. We've all got some crazy happenings in our lives. Some are good, but some are also awful. It's always rough to rummage through the destruction around us sometimes. It's those times that we find the spirit to drive a little harder. Push to be better than we were the time before. To muster the spirit to look further into the future, or deeper into ourselves.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

DH: "The unknown creates monsters. Conformity to the algorithm. We are absorbed. We are pulled in...." Monolith Lord. That little ode to how technology has driven itself deep into our lives. It has some wonderful aspects, don't get me wrong, but it also has some pretty dooming consequences. Another landscape filled with obstacles. Sometimes they are few, yet powerful, appear randomly, suck you in. We learn to navigate. We learn to be more than the thing that may potentially destroy us. It's all a choice in the end.

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

DH: We are especially thankful to our friends and family for believing in us, and keeping us going. Because they know what we have to offer to the world and they push us to keep going. They are our inspirations. The great connection of the human spirit. The music is that binding force. Of course, we have musical inspirations. To create something new. Like all the bands we grew up listening to. How can we piece something together that just hits people in a different way, but be true to ourselves and our sound at the same time? It's a fun dance. Sometimes we're all feet, stumbling around. Then we find our footing and flow gracefully across the dance floor. We become inspired yet again to do more.

8. Something to add?

A little thing about the cover song, Francis Forever. It was a song that was featured on Adventure Time. Marcelene the vampire played it for their "battle of the bands" in the episode "Into the Music Hole". Just a little fun fact about how the song was discovered. From there, I looked it up and found the original song was by Mitski. It's a nice thing when a simple cartoon can turn you onto some new music. She has some great songwriting. So, if she happens to read this. Thank you Mitski.

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