Band Biographies: OFANIM

Project created by Armando Valles, Héctor Siqueiros, Jesús Chávez, Enrique Hernández, and Ángel Pacheco in the year 2006 under the name "3 Clavos", later changed to "Eterno" in 2006, then to "Behead Demons" in 2007, and subsequently to "Menorah" in 2008, until the project became inactive in 2014 and was later reactivated in 2021 under the name "OFANIM". In 2008, the EP "Satanás Destronado" was released, distributed by the Exhort Metal label and included in a split with the band Hortor. On January 1st, 2012, the EP "Corazones Perversos" was released, and in 2014 it was re-released under the Vampire Records label from Bolivia. On March 30th, 2022, the single "Sal" was released, and on September 16th, the EP "Embracing Death" was released, followed by signing with Headlight Productions label on September 22nd, 2022, and releasing the second album titled "La Torre Oscura" on 2024.

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