Interviews About Albums: Nemus Anima - The God Of Forest (2024)
1. What can you say about "The God Of Forest"?
First of all The god of forest is a masterpiece... Nah.. Jokes aside.
It is less dark and more listener-friendly compared to Hatred Embodiment (the debut album) I would say.
There are more melodies, riffs, and catchy stuff. Overall a fun listening experience.
2. What is the meaning of "The God Of Forest"?
The god of the forest is referring to an ancient Finnish forest god called Tapio.
3. Which one is the composer of "The God Of Forest"?
The whole album was composed by Topi Karhunen.
4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?
I would pick Weightless. It is haunting and beautiful.
5. Is there a special message in "The God Of Forest"? If there is what is it?
There's no special message included but for myself, at least the message would be to
continue to do what you love to do and try not to care what people say 'cause they don't have a clue.
And of course, I want to share that thought with everybody else who is working with creative
stuff and sometimes feels a bit insecure. One day you feel you've created something special and the other day you
just hate it. As long as it comes from your heart you're okay. That's all that matters.
6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?
There are lyric videos of Talking dead and Weightless so I would share the lyrics of the song Decaying:
Inhale serenity as I become the earth
Feel the nothingness as the dust mixes with snow
So slow it falls the end of the existence of time
When I close my eyes this moment will remain
Now I see the sun as I'm sinking into the earth
I see you standing there but I cannot reach
Remember me before all this, remember, remember
7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?
While writing this album I didn't actually have any specific inspiration.
But I would mention and thank my son and my spouse for giving me a reason to wake up every morning.
They're my everything.
8. Something to add?
I'd like to thank all who are listening, enjoying, and supporting my music. Thank you so much!
You're the best and much appreciated!
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