Track By Tracks: Risking It All - Man Made Disaster (2017)

The Album Man Made Disaster was written from a suppressed perspective, in a corrupt world. I used personal events in my life to really grasp the right emotions, though I do not focus on those personal events. The anger in the album is due to the lack of knowledge, lack of compassion, and lack of equality we see everyday in this country. I fear we have separated ourselves into branches of society based on the common ground that we do not understand life. From birth I was raised in a Christian based home, and was taught my whole life that all I had to do everyday was to pray and the worlds problems will get better day by day. That is a lie. The fact is if the largest proportion of citizens live day by day praying for their lives to get better, while being subjected to a brainwashing society removing their rights, and breaking their will to live freely. What would change? The answer is not to sit back and hope others will get things right, it’s not to let the world sort itself out. The answer is to stand up as an individual and fight for the things you love the most, and in unity our individuality will be what sets us apart from herder and sheep.

1. Embers:

I wrote this song after a long and difficult emotional separation both with myself, and with someone I was very close to. We had both grown from the same flame, but that flame was doused. Now we stand as two embers both burning, but to start their own flame.

2. In Perspective:

This song was written for people who had suffered through the same mental hardship as I had. It was written using not only one perspective, but the two I had grown to know. The perspective of false hope I had left behind, and the perspective of building your own life with only your own two hands. I did not intend negativity to shadow my views or my meaning, I used this negative outlook to rather expose the fake life I had been captive to.

3. Repetition of History:

This song is one of my favorites, it was written to speak out on difference, inequality, and above all the monopoly that is America. We live in a greedy society where being “successful” is draining the life out of millions of people to put money in your own pockets. Where we destroy the earth that we evolved from to turn a profit. There are so many curtains to hide the villains of this new age, and sometimes it can seem like a maze uncovering these evils. Unfortunately they do exist though, and I intend to push people towards the education of what this Country is built on,(blood, money, and power). When is enough actually enough? Once the northern coast is washed away? Once our earthquakes destroy cities completely? The least we can do is set good demonstrations for the new minds of this world and raise them to put an end to our self destruction.

4. Hear Me Out:

This song was written for the people that do their research, that know what they are talking about before opening their mouths. The people that are told they are wrong by someone who has never even been interested in putting hard work in to find the truth or the people who take shortcuts through life. Your professionalism and hard work has led you to find out, the elitists of America will speak for this countries people and instill hope into them. Just so when they turn around they can stab them in the back. It is the age of questioning what is filled in our heads, so start questioning.

4. Novak: 

This song was written for someone I had been known and loved, I had followed this person into the depths to watch their life fall apart along with my own. I was able to pick myself up from the wreck, but only to watch them destroy themselves even further. This is where I feel I became the person I am today, sometimes it takes you being knocked off your feet to really look at your life. With that look you could either be terrified and run away, you can be disgusted and sit in your own sorrow, but what if that is what was expected of you? What if you were raised to be a coward? It is in this self realization that I was able to find real change and fill my head with ways to forge a new stronger life.

5. Lifeless:

I had actually wrote this song back in my high school years. This song marks my first ever thoughts that this world is not the perfect plastic home we had thought it to be. This was the first spark in my eyes, looking at a disaster play that I could barely believe to be real life. Even at such a young age I knew I should speak up for the people that had just given up and be a voice to believe in.

6. Gray:

This song is written for the understanding of what really goes on in my head, what I feel and how I am affected. I had struggled with bi-polar my entire life, but it wasn’t until I had really grown up that I felt this dark empty feeling trying to feed on the good parts of me. There is so much going on behind the eyes of every person every day, you can never truly know what that person has gone through, and this song is a symbol to be mindful of others and their crutches. You are not the only person struggling and being sorry for yourself will not fix it, confiding in others and comparing experiences may be the only way out.

7. Wasteland: 

I wanted to write a powerful song to both fuel the people with the motivation they need to know, they can make a difference. All it takes is standing up, and using the time you have to expose the corrupt, and to inform others of this everyday battle. We can no longer sit off to the sides and let the rich and powerful take away our will to live and use us as pawns in a game they play.

8.The Nasty J:

This song is my breakthrough into and angrier, but more informed world. I grew tired of the same cycle everyday. Being used for single interests and aiding in the success of my enemies. Our economy is heading to another crash, world relations are terrifying to think of, and the division of our own country is used to benefit the people who rule over us. We can not fight oppression unless we all stand together, but instead we fight eachother. Each day dreams of unity seem dimmer and dimmer, and the light we all hold so dear has become a fog.

9. Searching For Defeat:

This song is the hardest battle I have ever encountered. I had always deemed religion necessary in my life, I had said I would die without it. After I had abandoned my faith, I had fought with myself for around a year trying to convince myself there is still a way to believe, but it was in my own self destruction I had found their plan. Our country is controlled by religion and it has led to filling our heads with hopeless lies, destruction of other countries and has passed heavy judgment on those who disagree. All we can do is focus on what is in front of us, not what we created in our heads. We can’t waste time contemplating life while it is being torn from our very hands.

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