Behind The Artworks: THE SURVIVAL CODE - Crosses To Carry, Coffins To Fill (2019)

THE SURVIVAL CODE is back with the release of a brand new EP, Crosses To Carry, Coffins To Fill, out on Friday 16th August, through Good Deeds Music. We asked the band for an insight to the EP’s cool artwork:

1. Who designed the artwork? 

(Gary) I did actually! The artwork is based on a solo album I made as a kid when in college which was called “Coffin for two”. I wrote 7-10 albums in college playing all the instruments to learn how to write songs and see what I liked about song creation, most of those songs form the basis of TSC. 

The cover had 2D outlines of coffins side by side, with a male figure in one and a female in another holding hand in the area the coffins met. We wanted to mix that with a lyric from those early albums too “Crosses to Carry, Coffins to Fill” which always seemed a fair summation for life in a melancholic way

2. What does the cover artwork represent?

The artwork made sense for us because we are redoing an old song on this release called “The Innocent”, this was a song we originally recorded in 2010. We wanted darker imagery on this release versus the multicolored offering of our last album “Hopelessness Of People”. It all came together great! The Crosses represent the challenges of life and the issues/things we all carry through this life with us, and we all have coffins to fill…So it made sense on so many levels for us. It also helped that we used the lyric again in the song we have brought back to life

THE SURVIVAL CODE will play a string tour dates:

July 11th - Heroes - Worcester; 
August 15th - Big Red - London (EP LAUNCH); 
October 23rd - Bunkhouse - Swansea; 
24th - Fuel - Cardiff; 
25th - Slaughtered Lamb - London; 
26th - The Hope & Ruin - Brighton; 
28th - The Tin At The Coal Vaults; 
29th Chameleon - Nottingham; 
30th - Castle Hotel - Manchester; 
31st - Outpost - Liverpool; 
November 2nd - Old England - Bristol; 
3rd - Suburbia - Southampton.

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