Joey Sturgis Tones​ is excited to announce Toneforge Jason Richardson​, the latest addition to the Toneforge line of plugins.

This plugin offers three new amp designs, two custom cabinets, three effect pedals, and a complete post-processing section. All aspects of ​Toneforge Jason Richardson​ are derived from the tones created with producer Taylor Larson on Jason’s debut solo album, “I" and then progressed with Joey’s unique sonic mindset.

Jason Richardson has made a name for himself and his guitar playing abilities in bands such as All Shall PerishBorn Of OsirisChelsea Grin - and most recently as a solo artist with the release of his debut album, “I”, in 2016. Now, ​Joey Sturgis Tones​ is excited to bring Jason’s signature tone to the masses with his signature Toneforge plugin, released at this year's Winter​ ​NAMM 2017​.


● Guitar tones derived from Jason Richardson’s album, “I”
● 3 New Amps
● 2 Custom Guitar Cabinets
● 3 New Pedal Models (Delay, Lo-Fi & Reverb)
● Onboard Tuner
● Dynamic Post-Processing Section


Toneforge Jason Richardson​ is supported on all Macs & PCs running 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. For compatibility with all major digital audio workstations, Toneforge Jason Richardson​ is available as in VST2, VST3, AU, RTAS & AAX formats.

Pricing & Availability:

Toneforge Jason Richardson​ is available now at ​​ for $99 USD.

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