News: China Gate Premiere Single "Covered In Flames" On AXS Off Upcoming EP Good Grief, Out May 19
China Gate premiered their single “Covered In Flames” this past Wednesday via AXS, off their upcoming EP, Good Grief. With a bright melody and catchy, sing-along chorus, the lyrics reveal a struggle below the surface, that many can relate to.
“‘Covered In Flames’ was the first song I wrote specifically for the EP,” shared vocalist Tiger Adams. “It feels like a blind contour of that period of my life. I think this song was an effective way for me to kind of lay everything out so I could find what I needed to change about myself to live a more positive life. The song still deals with a lot of negative and melancholic ideas, but it is written from a perspective that is aware of these things and is learning how to deal with them in a healthier way.” Transformative and engaging, the song works it’s way into your head as a pleasant little ear-worm, a track made for cruising around town with the windows down.
“Covered In Flames” is just the start to a collection of catchy tunes, with China Gate’s upcoming EP Good Grief making for perfect listening in the warm summer haze. It will be available in physical and digital format via Bandcamp, iTunes and Pizza Tape Records on May 19. Join China Gate for a record release show on Thursday, May 18 at the Hi-Tone Cafe in Memphis with Elf Rage, Melinda, Boyscott, and BlakeTheMan1000 (event details).
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