Band Biographies: Deimhal

Deimhal, a newly forged Finnish black metal group released their debut EP called 'The Grand Gathering'. The band is based in Tuusula-Helsinki, Finland and was founded by Mika Tönning, who is a former member of recognised and well known underground bands, such as Catamenia, Creinium, Dawn Of Relic. Other members of Deimhal are coming from bands, like Kalmah, Resolution 13, etc.. After Mikas careful searching and selection of musicians, the recent line up came together in 2022 and recordings of first EP started. The group's music style is symphonic black metal and resembles characteristics of bands like Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon and Immortal. ”The Grand Gathering”, four track EP was composed by Tönning and was recorded by the bands homestudios all around Finland. The tracks was mixed and mastered by Joni Borodavkin (eg. Dead Shape Figure, Embreach, End Of You) and is available on all major streaming platforms!

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