Behind The Tracks: Sobak - Like Heaven's Wings (Single) (2023)

This song was inspired by a woman at first glance that just took my breath away. She had walked into my work/corporate office and I was smitten to say the least. To make the story short I was able to leave her a note on her car windshield. We eventually began to talk back and forth staying up till all hours in the night talking on the phone. I very shortly asked her to meet my sister in Lake Tahoe and we took a mini road trip. This woman’s name is Donna and she has inspired me drastically over the years and I have written multiple love songs about her. I once asked Donna to marry me but she declined and she has now decided to call it quits on our long on and off again relationship. I have no hard feelings, no regrets, and wish her well. I have a lot of fond memories of her. Without her, I would only have a small portion of the original music. Nothing lasts forever even life.
Looking back in retrospect I think that I was probably more invested in the relationship obviously and maybe I even imagined something that really wasn’t there. Birthed was a Beautiful Song-Like Heaven’s Wings.

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