Interviews About Albums: Rogue Awakening - Feed The Fire (2023)

In this new interview, we sat down with the UK Alternative Hard Rock band Rogue Awakening to ask some questions about their new album "Feed The Fire"

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

Feed Me Fire is our debut EP so it’s very special to us. When we first got together we were just having a bit of fun and jamming so didn’t have any real expectations, so it feels a little surreal that we are releasing this EP! We’ve only been performing as a band for less than a year so it’s been quite a journey. We love our first single Bored and it’s a definite favourite when we play live but we’ve also evolved in that time and settled into our band identity and hopefully, that comes across in the EP.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

Feed Me Fire is the title track of the EP and it’s our favourite song at the moment. It’s about an unhealthy relationship; an imbalance between two people when one gives more energy than the other. Kimberley found a phrase called 'bread crumbing’ which is where you're given just enough to keep you around but not quite enough to be fully satiated. It also touches on the concept of knowing a person is toxic and damaging but yet you still crave the attention that they give you. Plus it sounds awesome singing it as a chorus!

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

To be honest we all have an input. The band unites lots of different musical backgrounds and tastes from Indie to Death metal. When fused together this creates a melting pot of ideas and sounds. Often Ollie, Nick or Tom will come up with a riff and the rest of the band will just lock into it and the song builds from there. Plus having both Kimberley and Tom writing lyrics and singing means that they both bring a different approach and ideas. We try and make the whole creative process really non-judgmental so anyone can try anything without worrying about anyone taking the piss! It’s also great as no one individual feels the pressure to always come up with new material.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

As we said before it’s probably Feed Me Fire. Overshadowed has a special place for us as it was probably the first song that really cemented our sound as a band. Feed Me Fire builds on that and takes it up a notch. It has real power and energy as well as that symphonic edge brought by Kimberley’s vocals. We love playing it live and feeling the energy we get back from the crowd. Plus we did our first proper music video for it which was amazing. Make sure you check it out on YouTube: Glamorous witches, pyrotechnics, kidnap, what’s not to like?!

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what it is?

I’m not sure there is?! I guess this is just us introducing ourselves to the big scary world of music and showing it what we are about. We work really hard on the lyrical crafting of our songs and we want the listener’s personal experience to shape the message they take away from them. So hopefully people can listen and see what the tracks on the EP mean to them.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

One of our favourite lyrics is from Feed Me Fire. “I wait on the tip of your tongue, space between us, nowhere to run.” Like you are always waiting for someone to communicate with you and the distance feels enormous but paradoxically it also feels suffocating. But like we said before we want people to listen to our lyrics and take their own meaning from them rather than being too obvious or direct.

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

There are so many inspirations for us! Musically we have a real breadth of artists that we love. Two that spring to mind immediately are Alter Bridge and Halestorm; some of us were lucky enough to go see them at the O2 last year and they were epic. They really encapsulate that heavy but melodic sound we are chasing and they are both epic live.

There are so many people that we’d like to thank for getting us here. In particular, Nick at Ignite Studios who recorded all of the EP, Emma, Stan and James who did the video, plus all the people who played us, paid us and supported us. The industry is so brutal and there’s no way we could have got here without all the bands, venues, DJs and reporters like yourselves giving us an opportunity.

8. Something to add?

Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to tell people about the EP! There’s so much unsigned talent out there and it’s epic having people like Breathing the Core to give us a little spotlight so people can find us!

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