Behind The Artworks: Necrowretch - Swords Of Dajjal (2023)


The front cover was once again crafted by French artist Stefan Thanneur who already worked on our previous album “The Ones From Hell”.
Given that the album is made up of numerous prophecies about Dajjal, this famous antichrist prophet appears on the cover, holding a sword of destiny.
The swords refer to that of the prophet (the zulfikar, a kind of two-pointed sword) and his disciples who use it precisely to defeat evil.
But in our fresco, these are corrupted and used by the devil.
The swords may also refer to the album's titles, with each title being a sword of the devil, an invocation of sorts.
But above all, this artwork represents something out of the ordinary extreme metal patterns. We kept the oriental side of the previous albums, this more North African than Far East, to set the tone for something more esoteric, mysterious, and open.
Most titles are references to ancient Berber gods, Numidian kings, haunted cities and end-of-the-world prophecies but remain deliberately very mysterious, so do this character.
The color patterns are also part of this thematic, one can see a connection with Dune or some other SF oldies where the East/Desert/Sand are fantasized into somewhere very dangerous yet exciting.

'Swords of Dajjal' is out February 2, 2024, on Season of Mist: Underground Activists.
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