Behind The Tracks: MEIFU - Turkish Kraken (Single) (2024)

"Turkish Kraken" is the first extract from our debut album "Haunted Dreams" and it contains most of the elements that create our sound. It has an obsessive, slow rhythm start that captures the listener, while Mari start to sing her hypnotic vocal part. The track evolves in a semi-improvised section where the guitar of Tommy leads the part with his enchanting melody, until the super heavy finale, where the fuzzy bass of Genia and the dirty backing vocals take the square. Lirically, it deals with the horror theme of the kraken, as evocated by Alfred Tennyson, and project it in those lands where women are largely oppressed. As a kraken, their anger and fury emerge from the abyss, to break the chain of mental and physical slavery and to reach freedom. In the end, that's a song of hope, transformation and revolt, starting placidly and ending furiously!

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