Behind The Artworks: DUNE - Years Of Chains (2024)


The EP artwork was created by our Bassist Mamdoh Tawili ( @mamdohaltawili ) who is also a digital artist, the artwork depicts the idea of an overflowing and overdosed with dark thoughts and black energy oozing from the skull eyes and mouth.

It represents the spiral of thoughts that we could go through and the devastating effects that it would have on a person.

We have also created artwork for each song which would be featured in the lyrics videos that were released on YouTube.

Refuge artwork shows the Demon posing with the patient.

Reject artwork represents death and has 7 graves on the top of the dead skull along with the dead tree which complements the song's story and topic.

Insidious artwork is two flipped skulls which represent the toxic relationship. Sieve artwork represents the Antichrist.

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