Interviews About Albums: The Shadow's Gone Out - Final Alarm/John Doe (2024)

In this new intervew, we sat down with the French Rock/Electronic band The Shadow's Gone Out to ask questions about their album, "Final Alarm/John Doe".

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD? 

We released a 1st ep of Final Alarm in 2022. it was a 3-track ep. With this 1st experience, we started composing new songs. We prefer it to sound more metal and industrial than what we have already done. We put a lot more double pedal and industrial sounds to make it sound even heavier we will also try more things. we have some jungle rhythms, heavier parts, and some more dreamy ones. The song 3 by 4 contains a 3-beat part and a 4-beat part. we tried to bring things that we had not done before. the difficulty is to make the listener travel while there is no singing.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

We chose to call our ep John Doe because we thought it represented the spirit of the ep well. the anonymous side in this world of information and instant things.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

I wrote all the songs. Once they're written, Anthony and I listen to them and we choose which ones to keep. Then we work on the arrangements together. Once all that's done, we fine-tune the bass and drum parts, then the keyboards and samples. Once we're happy we don't touch anything else.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

I'll choose John Doe. I think it's the track that best bridges the gap between our final alarm ep and this one. It's got the same muscular, urgent feel but with a lot more double pedal. That's why we put it first. It's a track we love to play live.

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what is it?

there is no message. The advantage of making instrumental music is that you can make up your own mind and travel through your own thoughts. Everyone will perceive our music differently, and that's what's exciting. 

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share? 

We make instrumental music. There are no lyrics. We use voices, either in the background or with a punchy phrase each time.

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

When I wrote this new ep, I already had the title John Doe. The track Unlucky Young Men was inspired both by the manga of the same name, about the student riots in Tokyo in 1968, and by the film The Crow, which Anthony and I are big fans of. The fast parts of the track are more reminiscent of the manga Unlucky Young Men, while the slower parts are more reminiscent of the dreamlike mood of The Crow. Anyway, that's how I thought of it. For 3 by 4, the idea was to make a 3-beat track with heavy 4-beat parts and lots of indus sounds.

8. Something to add? 

Thank you very much for the interview. I hope Breathing The Core listeners enjoy our new ep.

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