Interviews: Cyanate

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Progressive Metalcore band Cyanate from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

The band name Cyanate came about years ago, while looking for a name for the project, one of the members of the band came across the chemical compound “Cyanate” while looking at the chemicals within the products he worked with. It sounded cool and has stuck with us since.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

This genre more or less developed naturally to us as the members came and went. We take inspiration from a wide variety of different genres; from jazz to classical, pop, and of course, metal. This lineup has gelled into something special, and we're beginning to come into our groove with new material that we can not wait to share.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

You could say the band members have some history; Scott and Tim have been friends and have been playing together since High School. Jerad and Rober were always around in the scene but didn't meet until they started playing together, and Dimitri came up going to shows that some of our members were in back in the day. It's one of the beautiful things about playing in a band with members that span multiple generations.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Scott (lead guitar) grew up curring his teeth on Iron Maiden. Jerad (guitar/vocals/) has had a diverse musical journey, but today, his favorite band is Between The Buried and Me, tomorrow it could be Unearth, and the day after, Slipknot. Dimitri's (vocals) System of a Down has been a huge influence on him, vocally and lyrically. Tim (bass) has had a foot planted in the modern but still has a love for Led Zeppelin. Robert (drums) has influences all over the map as well, but his favorite is The crazy world of Arthur Brown.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

We take a lot of inspiration from current events in our lives and the people around us. Things we see happening around the world and within ourselves. It's easy to write about things we're personally invested in. For example, our latest single ANGEL THROAT was written about a member's relative who was put through the wringer with a significant other.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last show was in Nevada City, CA. This was viewed as the first date of our tour and left us very excited about the things to come.

Our next date is 5/22 with Rives of NIhil in Reno, NV we'll also be hitting
5/23 The Bistro in Hayward, CA
5/24 Persuasion Brewing in Modesto, CA
5/25 Toots Tavern in Crockett, CA
5/26 Downtown Ale House, 5/27
6/1 Steamers, So. Lake Tahoe
6/7 Virginia Street Brewhouse - Reno, NV
6/8 Grass Valley, CA

7. Where would you like to act?

We're very optimistic about growing as a band and reaching a level where we can play festivals like Bloodstock, Aftershock and Hellfest.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

That's a hard question, there are so many amazing bands out there we would love to share the stage with. So far we are positioning ourselves to be ready for the opportunities that present themselves to us. This has led us to provide support for bands like Orbit Culture, Wednesday 13, Fear Factory, Allegeon, and just next week Rivers of Nihil.

9. Whom not?

Another hard question. We put a lot of effort into being professional both on and off stage, and so we will happily play with almost anyone of any genre. We have performed with Rap artists as well as Ska artists. We're just here to do what we love with like-minded people.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Stage fright is a constant, even the most famous artists get stage fright. For us it's a combination of preparedness, being well-rehearsed, and the trust in our bandmates that we have each others' backs. It's a lot easier to push through it when your best friends are right there on that stage with you. From there you can channel that energy into positivity.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Too many to count, but a lot of it comes from bands we share the stage with. We see our friends working hard and thriving, and that inspires us to push ourselves and be the best that we can be.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Recently, we were approached by a lovely internet gentleman, who was desperately trying to buy our vocalists used stage underwear. (Now available for $45 - limited supply)

13. What do you think of your fans?

We wouldn't be here without our friends/fans. Everything that we have been able to do so far is because of them and there are no words to describe our appreciation for their support.

14. What do you think of our site?

We're absolutely pumped to be interviewed by Breathing the Core! Every little bit of promotion helps, and the fact that you guys are pushing bands, interviews, music, and more helps create unity in the worldwide scene. the fact that you approached us is incredible. Thank you.

15. Something add?

We are starting to tour in support of our Self-Titled album on May 22nd and look forward to meeting more and more of you as we continue to spread out further on this metal journey. Please check out our LInktree for more information on how to find us. Cheers!

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