Track By Tracks: Declared Dead - Necrodeist (2024)

1. Sanguinary Libations:

This song encapsulates the mindset of the "blood thirsty" (war-mongers/trauma inflictors).

2. Manifest the Present:

The premise of this song is "the gift of the moment" (there's only "the present"...the gift of "eternal now"). What do we want the present to be? How to do we achieve it? Can we actually manifest it? Or is it "pre-sent"? An anagram of present is serpent. Biblical? Devilish? Kundalini? Wisdom? Ouroboros?

3. A Crowning Bereavement:

The title of this song is a word play of the phrase "a crowning achievement" (think "the birth of sorrow from loss"). It speaks of alleged beings called Anunnaki that either maliciously or through ill-advisement tampered with the human genome making humans subservient to lords of a lesser dominion.

4. Ziggurat of Eschaton:

This song combines elements of ancient cultures (like the Mayans/Aztecs/Sumerians) who built step-pyramids (maybe as temples to the gods) with hints of chaos magic musings (and other tools/faculties of "spiritual awakening"). It speaks of "the zero point" that might be experienced when one ascends "beyond good and evil" (essentially what's known as "nonduality" or "the hub of the wheel" - a personal "solar eclipse" so to speak).

5. Circling the Drain:

This song depicts the individual and collective comprehension of a "meaningless life". To put it one way - it's all pointless as we're "flushed down the crapper". Recognizing "the drain" could also mean the draining of our vital energy through an overwrought sense of worthlessness (via "outside forces" siphoning off our despair to feed their own afflictions). Another simpler meaning behind the song is an anthropomorphized figure called Death (can we escape it when it resides in us?).

6. As the Mystery Unfolds:

This is just a quick jaunt through a higher perspective of metaphysical leaning (inspired by author Dolores Cannon who spoke of what she referred to as "The Custodians"). Are they as "beneficent" as she posits or do they, also, have partially self-serving dire effects through ulterior motives? The song speaks of seeds ("spiritual potential in human form"?) which segues into the next track (instrumental) that has a similar vibe/further elucidation and then is finalized with the last track on the album called "Gateway to the Cosmic Garden".

7. Liquidation of Anachronisms:

This is an eccentric instrumental piece. The song title is taken from a chapter title in a C.S. Lewis book called "That Hideous Strength" (though, affiliations with each other are unacknowledged at the moment). For Declared Dead, the track title means "obliteration of out-of-place things/beings". The "seed" aspect brought about from "As the Mystery Unfolds", previously, is taken to a new level in terms of what some call "starseeds". Whether in the "New Age" paradigm or the Timothy Leary vernacular - it can mean "ahead of their time" (but more akin to a term once utilized as "futant" - meaning "future mutant"). Most "common beings" don't seem to tolerate "innovators" or "visionaries" very especially. In fact, they usually seem to set out and destroy said "agitators". This way is also attributed to social engineering and "hidden hand" tactics, so to speak (those who want supplication to authority and hive mentality). Coming full circle - it would seem those with "that hideous strength" to "buck the system" are the anachronisms defying liquidation! "Strong are those who hold steadfast in unity, stronger still are those who turn their backs on convention."

8. A God Amongst Ruins:

This song speaks of the uselessness of a domineering persuasion.

9. The Soul Grifter:

This song represents our "shadow self".

10. Gateway to the Cosmic Garden:

The final song on "Necrodeist" is a full-fledged gala of "spiritual awakening and enlightenment" (from philosophical mediation to polarity integration). Of course, some could ascribe this to ceremonial plant allies, as well. Each to their own. :-)

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