Interviews About Albums: Hazzerd - The 3rd Dimension (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Canadian Thrash Metal band Hazzerd to ask questions about their album, "The 3rd Dimension".

1. What can you say about The 3rd Dimension?

We’re really excited for people to hear it, we think it’s some of our best work to date, it’s fast, straight to the point & thrashy as hell. Super proud of this one & hope everyone enjoys it!

2. What is the meaning of The 3rd Dimension name?

Well, the name The 3rd Dimension comes from multiple meanings. We wanted an album with the number 3 in it as it’s our 3rd LP. The first couple of songs we wrote for the record in terms of lyrics followed certain stories from movies/video games, so we decided to have a light concept on this one again in it being about topics that were created in The 3rd Dimension.

3. Which one is the composer of The 3rd Dimension?

We all wrote parts for this record, it was collaborative between all 4 members. Hazzerd as a whole produced & composed The 3rd Dimension.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

All 4 of us have favorites from this record:

Dylan: Plagueis

Dave: Parasitic

Nick: Unto Ashes

Tory: Scars

5. Is there a special message in The 3rd Dimension? If there is what is it?

Not really no. All the songs revolve around fictional stories, rather than real-life situations. Some songs of course have parallels & deeper meaning if you connect the dots! But overall just wanted to write some cool songs about some things we were/are interested in.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

I’d say my (Dylan) favorite set of lyrics on this album are Unto Ashes lyrics. The chorus in particular “With the snap of my fingers you will cease to exist. With the snap of my fingers, you will perish” I’m sure some fellow nerds out there will understand what this song & these lyrics are referencing. Torys would be from Plagueis “Feel the heat, from the blade of light” I’m sure people know what that one is about. Again, if you’re a nerd haha Dave’s would be from Parasitic “PARADISE is within parricide now commence in a hypnotic genocide” Nicks from ThArSh TiLl DeTh “Grab the beers & eat the Za exodus on full fucking blast. Posers never last”

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

I’d say the fans. For being so patient with us while we worked on writing, & recording the new album & getting the band back into shape. They also for sure influenced the overall sound of this record. Delirium was an album in which we wanted to be barebones in terms of production. So that album has a certain garagey sound to it, & this new one is definitely more modern in terms of production. Something I can say for sure, all of our LPs sound wildly different in terms of production, & I like that personally.

8. Something to add?

Just can’t wait for everyone to hear this new album & get it in their hands. The physical copy of the record is outstanding. It looks amazing & will 100% stand out in your record collection.

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